Chapter 12 (edited)

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Hi everyone

Matteo's pov:

I was deep asleep when my peaceful sleep is disturbed with earthquake.

That was dramatic. But my brothers are no less than an earthquake. I could here their screaching voice shout and swear.

I groan covering my head with pillow wishing to block them out. After trying for good 30 seconds I give up trying to sleep. I get up ready give some piece of mind to whoever decided to interrupt my beautiful sleep. I was dreaming about unicorns and flying pigs.

I walk towards the door opening it but shut is back when I see Xander chasing Xavier who is shouting bloody murder. Not gonna interupt angry Xander. That's like a sucide mission. I love my life.

I ignore the noise and walk towards my bathroom to freshup. As soon as I open the door ice water starts to fall on me. That shitty ass is so dead.

I let out a war cry shouting Xavier's name. I am quite sure the whole neighborhood heard it.

In no time I was out of the door joining Xander who was still chasing Xavier throwing all sorts of cusses at him.

"I am going to kill you bitch." Xander shouts.

"Xander Zion Deluca. Don't you dare start swearing in the morning. Especially with your little sister around." Elijah's voice booms through the corridors. That guy can hear us swear from even a mile apart.

"She is not even in this corridor." Xander retorts back in frustration.

"Doesn't matter. Don't you dare swear in the house." Elijah says in a final tone. Don't mess with him when he uses tone. He can be as scary as Ales.

But it doesn't matter. I can't swear but I can definitely insult that leach.

"You stinky ass blood sucking mugget." I shout running behind Xavier.

"Matteo what is wrong with you? Why would you go smelling my ass?" Xavier exclaims in disgust laughing at me.

"Eww bitch. Noone's interested in your farty ass." I exclaim in disgust.

"Bitch I have the best ass." Xavier says back running in the living room.

"Flat ass!" Xander retorts back finally getting hold of him. Both fall down continuing their wrestling. I quickly rush in kitchen a get a cold water bottle from fridge. When I come in the living room, I see Xander had pulled Xavier in a head lock and was sitting on top of him. I quickly go there, emptying the bottle on Xavier's head laughing.

Karma is a bitch.

We were interupted when guard comes in informing us about a car outside. Dad follows him out.

Everyone other than Rosie comes down hearing the noise. Xander also lets go of Xavier who still has frown on his face.

After a while dad enters with a smile followed by a girl. She was a beautiful girl with wavy brown hairs. She was wearing black ripped jeans with denim jacket over a white crop top. She had white converse on with a bagpack around her shoulder.

Alexia's outfit:

Alexia's outfit:

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