Chapter 15 (edited)

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Hi everyone..

There wasn't going to an update until day after tomorrow but we just reached 10K+ reads and 400+ votes. Also I reached 10+ followers. This means a lot me. Probably my only book to get so many views in such a short span.

I love you all with all my heart. ♥

Also do follow me for timely updates for next chapters.

Also I haven't rechecked and edited it. Comment changes if any needed.


Alexia's pov

After the dinner, I was ready to go fall asleep. Francesco asked Matteo to show me my room. I bid everyone goodnight and quickly left following Matteo. After the never ending stairs he was quick to show me my room.

"Here is your room. Xander's room is to your right side and Alessandro's is to the left, just next to yours. If you need anything come to me because lets be honest, both are moody bitches." Matteo says jockingly as he opens the bedroom door.

"I am not quite sure whether Elijah would appreciate your swearing or not." I say with a smirk.

With the little amount of time I have spend with him, I got to know that he has little to no tolerance for swearing. He literally threw knife at Xander for continuously swearing at the dinner. The knife went straight to the wall behind him but the threat was clear. Safe to say that he didn't utter a single word throughout the whole dinner.

Just mafia family bonding at its finest.

"You can't do that. Its a sibling rule that die before snitching on each other. We don't betray each other. We are supposed to save each other's asses." He exclaims looking at me in horror.

"Don't worry. I'll protect your secret with my life. It shall go with me to my grave." I say him in a serious tone but amusement was clear on my face.

"You are fun to hang out with when don't put up your resting bitch face. " He says excitedly opening the door.

The room was huge but plain with basic light grey and white theme. It had a bathroom which was already filled with necessities. It also had a huge walk in closet. My 7 bags were already there. I could bring only 1/5th of my clothes in the 5 bags. I miss my clothes. Romeo better not touch them. Other 2 bags had my weapons, pendrives, important documents and other files. My bagpack was besides it. It had many burner phones, 2 of my mafia phones, my laptop, microphone, cameras, a few trackers and every other technical thing I would need.

Devin arranged our private jet so that their won't be a issue carrying them without the authorities knowing.

"Sorry that yours and Rosie's bedroom are not together. Actually your two rooms were guestrooms, so we didn't plan to keep it together. They are more plain so you can do whatever you want to it. I can help you decorate it as you want. I have quite good taste. And we can-" Matteo says excitedly as he continues rambling about decorating my room.

"Matteo I'll ask your help whenever I decide to decorate my room. Now if you don't mind I am really tired. " I say him pointing towards the door. His excitement falls a little. Why does everyone I speak with in this family be oversensetive. God I sounded like a bitch while saying that.

"We can discuss it in morning. Good night for now." I reassure him after looking at his lost puppy face. He still manages to gives me a smile before going.

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