~Mysta Rias x F!Reader~

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Hiiiiii, welcome to the first chapter of this book! Hope you enjoy your stay ;)

Mysta Rias is a very famous detective, solving the most difficult cases to mankind, but still thinks its perfectly reasonable to not wash his rice. But his hardest case to crack is one that has been bothering him for a while. There has been instances of an anonymous personel sending him gifts and love-notes. And although fans have sent things like these to him before, he can't help it when his heart flutters a little when reading those letters. So he intends to find out who this mysterious person is.

You are one of his friends, along with Ike, Luca, Vox, and Shu. Each of you cannot hear the end of it, Mysta telling you all about this fan who has captured his heart. But as the five of you listen to his rambling, you all can't help but giggle a little at his obliviousness.

-Author <3


Mysta Rias is a detective who is excellent in his field of work. And having the type of job that he has, he is also well renowned-and loved- by a lot of people in the city. With all of these people that look up to him, there are bound to be a few ladies that think of him as more than just a detective. He has gotten many confessions, but no one has been able to woo him.

At least, that's what he thought.

Mysta has been getting the fluttering feeling of attraction lately, and for a good reason too. Usually, in the instance that someone is as popular as he is, people like him sometimes get fan mail. Which is fine. But a certain fan has been getting to him lately. Well, rather to his heart. This specific fan has not only been leaving gifts and notes in places he goes to almost everyday. His desk, in his locker at work, and sometimes spread across the chairs to the side of his office door. And its not a creepy type of fan gifts (at least he doesn't think so). He feels as though the gifts he recives from this fan are of the more endearing variety. Words of encouragement on a note, or reciving a homemade bento box for lunch. He liked these gifts so much, in fact, that he had began to like this person, dispite being completely annonymous. This puzzled him, as he really wanted to know who this secret admirer is.

"When did they start giving you these gifts?" Luca asked Mysta. The detective sighed in defeat, putting his head down on the table. "Luca, you've asked that same question five times, he already said a few months ago.." Ike answered. Luca looked at Ike and huffed under his breath. Vox looked at Mysta. "Why don't you think of it as a case, and you're trying to solve it? Its what you're good at, is it not?" The demon said. Shu nodded in agreement with the demon. "Yeah, and maybe you can like, send things back to them? Get them something too?" Mysta sat there in silence before finally answering the two. "How are you both literally the smartest people on earth?" He asked, looking up at them. The blonde man looked at Mysta in confusion. "Didn't Ike suggest that last time we brought this up??" Shu said. Ike looked at Mysta in annoyance. "Yeah! And you said 'its not the same!' Ugh.." The novelist finished. Mysta ran to his office to grab a notebook and pen, and began his new project.


Ike and Vox thought of the name.

(I really tried. No I didn't.)


Mysta Rias is a detective who is really good in his field of work. And having the type of job that he has, he is also well renowned-and loved- by a lot of people in the city.

But honestly, he's a little bit smooth brained. You see, I've been leaving him gifts and notes for him wherever he usually goes (but not near his house or anything). I try to leave traces of me being there, but he never seems to pick up on it. And its not like I'm a complete stranger! We've been friends for quite a while, along with the rest of the boys, and they all know about my crush on him. Vox even caught me one time, bringing a bag of candy to his desk. I knew confessing to him like this might be a little risky considering his small amount of brain cells off of work, but I was sure he would be able to recognize my hand writing! I guess he doesn't know me as well as I thought.

~Nijisanji EN x Reader oneshot book~Where stories live. Discover now