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Son Chaeyoung's POV

The man in suit lead the way as we crossed multiple parts of the big mansion. We were walking in groups, and I'm the one who's in front since im the onle 'lady' in here.

"hey cutie" a guy suddenly blurted out as iblooked at him with a sweet expression written all over my face. "hey" i greeted him with a sweet smile.

"what is a petite, beautiful lady doing in such a dangerous job application? Aren't gonna be home and cook for your husband" he mocked as the men at my back started to laugh at his joke. Great, this gives me more inspiration to win this competition.

"husband?" i asked chuckling "i don't have one" i simply answered as he nodded. "what about me? Im pretty good for a husband" he flirted as i mentained the sweet smile written in my face hiding my disgusted expression.

"oh really?" i asked as he nodded "you don't look like a husband material to me" i stated making him gulp as the crown of men at my back started to "oooohhh"

Finally, the guy stepped away as we continued to walk through an empty hallway.

We stopped our tracks as the man in suit stopped in front of a big door. I think this is it.

The door opened as it revealed an empty hall with a thron in front. Wow, what is the competition about? It seems pretty...... Bloody.

The scent of metal dominated my nose as i scrunched it. This place is like an empty battlefield where people die and kill.

"please fall in line at the corner as we wait for the boss to come in, and we may start the demonstration on how to pass the application" the guy in suit bowed at us as we followed his instruction.

All of us waited for the so called "boss" in this mafia organization. Im pretty sure it's a very old guy holding a cane with him, because that's how mafia boss's looks like in movies.

"the boss has arrived" another man in suit announced as the other door of the hall opened as big masculine mens came inside. They are hiding someone inside a circle where they sorrounded.

They spread out as a young woman with a fit black above the knee dress sat in the throne crossing her legs.

Wait- is that? Is that the boss? The boss is a girl?!

As i was busy processing my thaughts her cold gaze met mine as it sends pure shivers down my spine. We made an eye contact for the rest of the moment when one of her guards announced the rules of the competition.

"you have gathered all today, because of a job as the boss's badyguard. And when i say bodyguard, i don't mean like some of the gentlemens in front of you today" he stated looking in front leading our gazes to bis buff mens in front of us.

"i mean be guarding the queen of the palace wherever she goes" he continued as i remained my posture, but the mens beside me started to drool getting hyped up by the competition. I mean who wouldn't? The boss is a woman, a sexy beautiful woman.

"so the rules of the competition, is to be the last man" he looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows "or woman standing" he continued as he walked in front standing beside the boss who was crossing her legs.

"let the game begin"

I felt a shiver in my spine once again as the boss spoke, her cold and gentle voice echoed through the whole room. The mens around me started to whisper, probably confused about what the host meant by "the last man or woman standing"

Mafia's Bodyguard |MiChaeng|Where stories live. Discover now