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Son Chaeyoung's POV

The time has come.

I looked around to see all of Mina's army outside her mansion lining up all their heads up high. The captains of each catogery ready to fight. Down the balcony, I saw Chan, Mr. Seo, the Hwang twins and all of the other people that are willing to stand by Mina's command to save her siblings.

While I was wandering my eyes, there is a person that I haven't seen ever since this morning.

Where's Jiyeon?

I shrugged my thaughts as I looked over Jisung who is also wandering her eyes down the balcony. As we heard the sound of high heels walking in the ground.

Both of us looked over to see Mina wearing her tight elastic suit with guns in her belt. Her hair tied in a fish tail while her face cannot be drawn out of anger.

She stepped forward to reach for the megaphone and announced to her army.

"Before we attack the attacker, I have a small warning to all of you." she stated as she took a pause to observe her people. "the Minatozakis are very advanced in their technologies and their weapons."

"We have heard various of news that these cruel people kidnap innocent people in seoul to test out their lab experiments as if they are lab rats"

"All I can say is, Please stay safe everyone. I'm sorry if I brought all of you into this mess" she stated causing me to look at her. Poor Minari. She doesn't deserve all of this.


We looked down at the balcony to see Bangchan yelling the phrase causing the people to cheer.

"WE WILL DO ANYTHING TO FIGHT FOR YOU" Mr. Seo cheered as the people below cheered with him.

"Destroy the Minatozakis!!!" Mina cheered with them with a smile and a teary eye. After hearing that phrase the crowd cheered even louder repeating what Mina said.

I crept a wide smile as I chanted with the crowd.

Now it's time to travel to the attacker.

Me and Jisung rode the van with Mina while the captains rode the bus with their respective categories.

I drove the Van with Mina in the front seat and Jisung in the Back seat arranging our weapons in order.

I looked over to Mina who's eyes are full of Rage. But I can sense from her aura that she is also scared. I held her hands as she startled at my sudden actions.

"We'll be fine Mina" I reassured her.

"I hope we are" she answered.

"Your mens are strong, they are well trained. The Minatozakis can't stand with us even for a second. I caressed her hands and she smiled at me.

She leaned in for a kiss on the cheeks. She smiled at me with a very warm smile and I mouthed her that she will bring her siblings back and everything will be okay.

She reached for her phone and tried to call her big brother Kento. Several times of dialing his phone. She couldn't contact him. Weird, she checked the signal and there's nothing wrong with it.

She shrugged thinking that her brother might be asleep. She looked back to see Jisung falling asleep at one of the back seats of the van. Like very far away.

She smirked and press the button in the front of the passenger seat only for a wall to close a barrier between the passenger seat and the back seat. Resulting for Jisung not to see us because of a built up digital wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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