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"p-pardon" the lady asked as she stuttered at our boss's statement.

"i said" she took a deep breathe "i sold fake drugs, those are poisons" she simply answered sighing. I looked at her with confused eyes but i tried my best not to look so obvious. Is she really bad guy?

"th-then, are you gonna pay them full refunds?" the lady asked again "nope she answered as she walked away. I followed her as tge lady did too.

"then how are we gonna get rid of them young mistress?" the lady panicked as Mina elegantly turned back to her and smiled. "you know the definition of 'rid' in my vocabulary" she smirked as she tucked the woman's hair behind her ear.

"you know what to do" she winked as she swung her arms around my shoulder and dragged me away from the woman. I looked back at the woman who wasbowing at us and ran soon after.

"are we gonna finish the tour?" i asled as we stopped our tracks. "no, there's a change of plans. I'm gonna show you something different" she smiled and held my hands.

Ba Dump!

My heart skip a beat as she dragged me away, running to a place where she wants to show me. Which i clearly had no idea where.

We climed at the stairs as we arribed at a big balcony just like where we stopped by earlier. This balcony, you can see the great view of the small city buildings and the trees sorrounding the mansion.

"what are we doing here?" i asked as she smiled at me placing her hand at my back and gently pushing me to the railings.

I walked as i tried to take a peek below despite my phobia of heights. I looked below with my other eye shut as i saw a lot of rebels outside the gates.

I can't clearly hear what they're saying but im pretty sure it has something to do with Mina to come out.

"see that?" she asked pointing at the large crowd as i nodded at her "this is what we do to criminals worse than us" she smiled sweetly as she pressed a button somewhere.

A big gun appeared from the railings as i looked at it with shock. Holy cheescakes!!! This is the biggest gun i have seen my whole entire life.

"watch and learn" she winked as she positioned herself aiming to the crowd. "ready, set, fire."


The sound of bullets firing dominated my ears making me cover them, i looked beliw as it revealed some of the people from the crowd collapsed due to the unexpected gun firing.

Several minutes of using the gun. Mina sighed as she looked at me with proud eyes. "that's how you do it" she winked and took her phone.

She dialed a number through it and made a phone call "hello" she spoke "what took you so long to get rid of that crowd?" she asked furstatedly. "i had to get rid of them myself due to your slow moves" she hissed as i tighten my lips.

"nevermind! Just clean the mess outside my gate... I dont want a single blood drop to be seen outside" she instructed through the phone "what to do with the bodies? I dont know.... Maybe cook them for dinner? Ofcourse you bury them!!! Idiot"

She turned the call off and massaged her temple. She let out a heavy sigh as she looked at me with annoyed eyes. "you can go back to your room and have a good rest. We'll have a big day tomorrow. knowing that i killed those gang members, their leader won't hesitate to attack me" she sighed and we started to walk.

"okay, I'll be ready for tomorrow's job madame" i bowed as i walked through stairs, just to find out that there is an elevator through each floor. How dumb of me.

I flopped myself to bed and sighed, i looked at my suitcase as i thaught of placing my clothes inside the cabinet i was provided.

When i opened the cabinet, i was amazed to see dozens of suits hunged inside. This must be my uniform. I nodded as i started to do my work and placed my accessories to where it should be placed.

Looking back, my room is already occupied.

I sighed again as i flopped myself back to bed. Today was such a tiring day, i can't believe i experienced this kind of mission in my life. I thaught being a police officer only contains catching criminals and investigating murders.

I wasn't informed that there is also being an undercover agent. Again, i sighed. I have sighed a lot more than usual, i must be so tired so i deserve a rest. I closed my eyes as i tried to head to dreamland.


Waking up, i saw myself tucked neatly in bed as i sat up stretching my arms and yawned. I stood up as i went to the bathroom to take a morning shower, i did my skin care after and wore the suit inside my cabinet. It surprisingly fitted well.

After checking myself at the mirror one more time i sighed as i went outside of my room and heaved a heavy sigh. I walked through the empty hallway as i went inside the elevator to head towards my boss's room. Myoui Mina.

Arriving at the highest floor of the mansion, my shoes made a sound as it came in contact with the marble floor. I stopped my tracks as soon as i reached the bug white door, the only door in this floor.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I knocked three times as i heard some footsteps approaching the door. Oh she's already awake, i guess she's a morning person.

The door opened as a face of an unfamiliar woman went out as she covered herself with bathrobe. Wait- isn't this the boss's room? What is she doing here?!

"come in Chaeyoung" that same cold gantle voice spoke as i entered the room confidently, just to find my boss with a lady beside her in bed.

I was so shock that i couldn't compose a word to greet her in the morning. "what are you standing there? Do you want to be next?"

Even if it's dark, i can clearly say that she was smirking while stating me those words. "no madame, just like you said yesterday. I will be with you twenty four seven, so that means I'll start my job exactly first thing in the morning" i said as my voice stiffin.

"oh Chaeyoungie, you're so loyal to your job... I like the spirit, keep it up" she praised me as i bowed at her.

She stood up from her bed as the blanket fell from the curbes of her naked body. My face heat up as i immediately looked away, avoiding any eye contact to whatever the world has carved in front of me.

As i stood straight facing the wall, i felt two little buns behind me as a hand glided through my shoulders to my hips. "aren't you sleepy Chaeyoungie? Your boss is needy right now, are you willing to give yourself to her?" she asked ashe caressed my cheeks from behind.

"my job is to be your bodyguard and not your sex toy" i simply answered as i gently held her hands and turned around. Looking directly at her eyes to avoid looking at her melons.

"I'll be waiting outside madame. Please do tell me when you're ready" i gently placed her hands down "oh you're no fun". I marched away from her exiting her room.

i closed the door as i leaned my back at the wood. My heart was beating so fast that i almost can't catch up with my breathing. I held my chest for my to calm myself down with a little breathing.

What did i just experienced back there

Mafia's Bodyguard |MiChaeng|Where stories live. Discover now