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Myoui Mina's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt an empty space beside me. I stood up rubbing them and scratching my hair letting out a yawn.

I looked over to the empty space as my eyes averted to my side table. There I saw a trey with a plate of food on it. I reached over the nite that was written beside the plate and oh it's from Chaeyoung.

Dear madame,

        I'm off to fetch something in the city. I don't want to disturb your beauty sleep so I chose not to wake you up. I'll be back before lunch time. Here, I prepared you some breakfast to eat. Make sure you eat before you start your work.

Son Chaeyoung

I chuckled as I remembered her asking my permission if she could go to the city and do her thing. I pretended I was half asleep that time. That was such a very corny memory.

I started my day by showering and putting on some work clothes and ate the food my bodyguard prepared for me.

As soon as I'm done I went out and started to do some work. I started by sorting some files in my desk cause gaddamn my desk looks like it experienced a signal four typhoon, very messy.

In the middle of sorting i dropped a white folder which contains Chaeyoung's personal information.

I opened it and started to read everything about her. Her face in her two by two ID looks so gorgeous, I mean, who would pull an application picture? Even I couldn't!

Nah just kidding of course I can! I'm Myoui Mina, I'm almost perfect.

I chyckled as i placed the folder neatly along with the others.

I took the box Chan and Jiyeon placed in my office yesterday and started to review the things they sent me, along with the report about Siyeon, the bot we accidentally discovered.

I was typing my review response in my laptop when suddenly my phone buzzed.

Without looking at the caller ID, i picked up my phone and swiped to answer.


"hi sister"

That voice...

"do you miss me?"

I hate hearing that voice...

"what do you want Kento?"

I answered him with a very sterned tone, he chuckled through the phone and answered me.

"that's not a very polite way to greet your brother on a phone call" he responded as i scoffed through the phone.

"how could I call someone like you my brother" I hissed at his statement and he just laughed at my answer.

"oh dear, did you forgot? I saved you from that tragedy. And I know you're in a much better place right now" even tho I can't see his face I can really tell that he's smirking through the phone.

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