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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up beside Mina the next morning,

The sun was shining so bright as some of it’s rays are going through the open part of my boss's white curtains.

I look over to a swan beside me who is peacefully sleeping, her hair was covering her face so I brushed it off and tucked it behind her ear.

I stood up and put my clothes on, bruh my body hurts of all the shaka laka boom we did last night.

I decided to head downstairs and order some food for Mina.

As soon as I went outside Mina's room I was greeted by a smiling Bang Chan.


"it's very rare to see a bodyguard coming out of their boss's room" he smirked clearly teasing me.

"now it's not a rare sight anymore" I fired back as he chuckled at me.

"Did you guys have a good night sleep?" he asked following me as I walked through the hallway making my way to the kitchen in the first floor.

I would have ordered in Mina's telephone but I might disturb her sleep so i chose to pick it up myself.

"Yeah" I answered Chan shortly.

"why are you here anyways?" i asked him as he cleared his throat. "oh I was waiting for Boss Myoui to wake up and report to her about the bot we examined" he answered.

I looked at him and nod my head "You should report it to her when she wakes up, she's kinda tired last night" I answered as we entered the elevator.

"who wouldn't get tired with all that banging" he mumbled as i looked at him with a questioning look.

"i heard that" I glared at him as he smiled at me innocently.

"oh you did? I meant it hehe" he sarcastically respond.

After that the elevator got quiet as we reached the first floor, we both exited the elevator and head to the kitchen.

It took about two minutes to reach the kitchen and Chan is still following me.

"Can you tell me why are you following me?" I turned to him as he smiled with his lips tight shut.

" I need informations" he said as he looked at me with a puppy smile. Thefuq, what is this guy doing? What kind of information does he need?

"is this about the bot? I don't know anything about it. I thought you're the one who's gonna report it to Boss Myoui?" i respond.

"not about the Bot girl" he frowned.

"what you guys did last night" he teased and poked my side.

"What last night?" I looked away avoiding his gaze. Shit I'm being too obvious.

"you know? Even tho you tried to dodge all my question i still know what you guys did last night" he chuckled and stepped back.

"it's no use there will be no fresh tea to tell my girlfriend later huhu" he faked a cry and i only stared at him in disbelief.

"If I were you, i would get my girlfriend a brakfast on trey so that she'll be happy and not tell her hot boiling tea in the morning" I answered.

"what do you mean not tell? Gurl? My girlfriend loves tea, specially hot boiling ones. Fresh out of rumors" he replied confidently.

"oh yeah? If you do then find someone else to get one from, you ain't getting anything from me" i smiled at him and stated my order to the kitchen in charge.

He only scoffed at me and stated his orders right after mine.

Minutes after waiting, the order was ready and I'm on my way back to Mina's room.

I opened the door and still saw her fast asleep in her bed. I left a note saying that I'll be leaving for a while and I'll comeback after lunch.

I had permission to her yesterday that I'll be going out to visit someone dearly to me and she agreed. I don't know if she meant it because she was half asleep that time.

I prepared myslef in my room and left her Mansion.

I commuted to the city and went to the  building I'm working in. I need to file some reports on what's going on in that place. Even tho Mina and I have been throught some things such as sexual attractions I cannot forget the reason behind my promotion in Myoui Corporation.

I admit it, I do feel bad about doing it. I betrayed her from the start. I'm not really sure if the feelings she felt for me are real but I'm not gonna let that affect my job. I have a brother to take care of.

I reached my destination and went inside. The guard scanned me and I entered through a secret passage in the bathroom that leads to a secret headquarters.


Hi readers! I'm sorry for the very long wait. I know i haven't updated in a very long time, the thing is i have been very busy in school that i forgot about the stories I wrote. I'll do my best to update some chapters and I hope you guys will read them. I love you!!! Take care averynyan!


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