House of Black Bird p3/House of Dares p1

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The rest of the school day had been pretty uneventful. Aside from a couple jokes told throughout the day by Alfie, being the class clown he was, and Jerome and I passing notes to each other, discussing things like; future movie nights, pranks he thinks I'd be in on, and how Patrica is driving us all (admittedly) mad.

I also noticed the slight tension between Amber and Mara. Something is brewing and I don't know how that's going to go down. Frankly, I think Mara had been unaware of her feelings towards the athlete, and those feelings are now starting to make themselves known and present after Amber decided to just state-what might have just been a projection of her insecurities at the time.

It doesn't help that Mick doesn't seem to understand social cues, or know how to read the atmosphere in the room. He really can't seem to realize he's making his girlfriend upset, nor does he seem to know how to treat this one particular female friend differently than his actual partner; aside from physical affection.

But I am staying out of that, relationships are far out of my comfort zone. They're... not my strong suit.

One question on my mind, aside from trying to come up with logical reasoning to Joy's sudden removal, being about Nina's absence. She had left the house early, yet she hadn't been here for first period. Where was she during that time?

I glance once more at the empty seat next to Fabian; Nina has been avoiding meals at the dinner table, running up to our room to hide away from us.

Whatever conversations being had fall deaf on my ears as I look down at my plate; not feeling all that hungry tonight.

Deciding on something that might just lead to war if my original roommate found out, I get up from the table and put my food in a container, placing a sticky note with my name on it. I'll save it for lunch tomorrow.

I grab a second sticky note and scribble down a small message for Trudy, thanking her again for the delicious meal, while simultaneously apologizing for not being able to finish it tonight. After doodling a little heart, I stick it on the fridge and then head upstairs.

Once I open the door to my bedroom, I instantly see Nina on hers, her plate of food barely touched. She glanced at me for a moment before looking down at her plate. I close the door and sit on my bed after grabbing my computer, sitting cross legged. 'Are you ok?'

Given how her head snapped towards me after her soul nearly jumped out of her skin, I'd say she wasn't expecting the sound of the text to speak to start playing.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." she said sounding oh so convincingly, "just not that hungry." She said, while poking at her food.

I nodded my head and we fell silent. The silence being awkward, thick enough to cut it with a knife. How do you try to be friends with someone who was ganged up on in your defense by over protective housemates, and is constantly accused of being the cause of another's disappearance?

I then remembered how she wasn't in first period, (mentally slapping myself in the head for that one since I was thinking about it all throughout supper) reaching over for my book bag, I lean over the rest of my bed, being mindful of the laptop in between my legs. I set my bag beside me as I rummage through it, going through my folders before finding what I was looking for.

With a soft smile, I hold out the stapled sheets for her to grab. She raised an eyebrow, her face was filled with confusion mixed with her being skeptic.

I retract the sheets in order to type on my computer, 'You missed first period. I took down a second set of notes of what you missed.'

As it played, I held out the sheets again, her face became one of surprise before she also smiled softly. "Uh, wow, thanks Victoria."

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