House of Keys p2

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I was putting things away in my locker in between classes when my eyes landed on Jerome across the hall. Once again selling his homework from previous years to the lower year students. Closing my locker, I nearly jump, seeing Fabian look at Jerome with a disapproving stare.

Noticing how I was a tad spooked by him appearing out of nowhere, he apologized. "Look, I know you've got whatever weird thing going on with Jerome, but we've got to put a stop to his lies about Amber and Alfie."


"I knows he's your best friend but-" he paused, looking surprised, trying to make sure he heard me correctly, "wait, what?"

'Firstly, there's nothing going on with me and Jerome,' I said, throwing that out there, he didn't seem to believe me, but oh well, 'secondly, while I do find it funny seeing Amber wait on Alfie, and him using her by faking the severity of his injury that I myself personally see as payback for even dragging Alfie into this by using him in drama class; it isn't right. Especially since Alfie has become a victim both emotionally and physically.' I ranted. 'It may seem like a harmless prank to him, but he's messing with the relationships and emotions of so many people, and no one is truly winning. So it definitely needs to stop before someone gets seriously hurt.'

"Well.. I'm glad you're onboard." Fabian sighs, relieved. "But how're we going to get him to confess. He's not gonna do so just because we tell him to."

I smirk, knowing just how to play with Jerome. I type out what I had in mind on my computer, showing it to Fabian. He nods slowly as the information absorbs, and he and I approach the scheming blond.

"Hey Jerome." Fabian called out as we neared him, "Why are you spreading rumours about Alfie and Amber going on a date?"

"I'm not spreading rumours." Jerome denied as he put the money he had just received into his locker.

"Yes you are." Fabian insisted. "Alfie and Amber are not an item and you know that."

"Aren't they? Have I got it wrong then?" Jerome acted completely surprised by the 'mistake', but he put down the facade after noticing Fabian an I's unimpressed expressions. "Ahh well sometimes you have to give fate a helping hand."

'You meddling isn't "fate", Jerome.' The computer played as I stared at him, tapping my foot repeatedly on the ground.

"You have to tell Mick the truth."

"I don't have to do anything." Jerome says, turning around with a smirk, and began walking away.

"So how is your recycled homework business going then Jerome?" Fabian called out after I nudged him with my foot.

Jerome paused momentarily before slowly turning around. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm sure Mr Sweet would love to hear about your thriving trade with the lower years." I looked impressed with Fabian and the sudden boldness of his tone as he was beginning to put Jerome in his place. "How much do you earn a month selling your old homework assignments; 50? 100?"

Jerome sputtered for a moment, trying to find the correct response, but he knew he was beat. He's blackmailed enough people to know when he's been backed into a corner.


"Hey Mick, just the guy we're looking for." Fabian said with a smile as the three of us found the athlete lounging in the drama room. "Jerome here has something he wants to tell you."

Having second thoughts, Jerome began to shake his head, "Nah, I don't really."

I grab him by the arm before he could attempt to walk away, grabbing him by his tie to force him to look at me. Taking ahold of his ear and he winced, quietly repeating 'ow ow, okay okay'.

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