House of Discovery p2

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"Victor is onto us and I don't think we should go up to the attic again for a while." Fabian said anxiously as he, Nina and I walked through the halls of Amun.

"We have to." Nina disagreed. "That key opens something Fabian. I don't know what it is, but I know I want to know."

"What's your take on this?" Fabian asked, hoping I was on his side. I disappoint him though, smirking ever so slightly as I grab onto Nina's arm, he hangs his head. "Of course." He chuckled.

"You know, for someone so sweet and polite, you're quite a risk-taker." The subtle flirting, Fabian. Gold.

"Only when it's worth the risk." She responded with a smirk. "Victor knows the key is missing, Victoria and I heard him talking to Trudy last night. So we won't have much time to use it."

The mention of Victor knowing about the key being missing from the key box only made Fabian more anxious about going back up there. I don't blame him.

I however step back from the two, sending them a two fingered salute before walking towards the bathroom. The two waved, bidding me off with a 'see you later', just before I head inside.

The moment I entered, I smile, seeing Amber applying another coat of lipgloss. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Victoria!" Her arms wrapped around me, hugging me tightly. "Do you know what you're wearing to Mick and I's party tonight? You are going, aren't you?"

I silently chuckle as we part, nodding my head. Of course I'm going to the party. Trudy's baking! I'm not missing out on that! And you know... supporting my friends who worked out their relationship. (Even if I have my apprehensions about it)

"Good!" She beamed before going on about how happy she was that she and Mick worked everything out. Then proceeded to tell me about a shell he nearly died for, swimming in dangerous waters, or something along those lines, just for her.

While I was happy for her, I'm just gonna assume half of that was her semi dumb blonde narcissistic side filling in the blanks to fit her own imaginative narrative that made her feel special. Hearing what she wants to.

I did however have to take a leak, so as she kept talking, I gestured towards the open stall. "Oh! Right! Sorry!" She and I laughed before she entered a stall of her own.

Just as I was about to leave the stall, I heard the sound of a frustrated Mara. "Amber was driving me crazy last night." I bit down on my lip; Mara, now is not the right time to talk about Amber- not that she knows it. "It was Mick this and Mick that."

"It's sweet that they're back together again though." Patricia said as I heard the sound of running water. Assuming she was washing her hands.


"What does that mean?" Patricia asked, noticing her tone was off, and didn't seem all that excited about Mick and Amber.

"Nothing." Liar..

"You like him, don't you?" I could hear Patricia smirk as she asks this, teasing Mara.

Mara answered defensively with a very unconvincing "No! Eww!"

"I can tell, you're blushing."

"Well... He is attractive." Mara admits, and even if Patricia hadn't pointed it out, I could just see the pink on her cheeks, and the shy smile she probably now adorned.

"Ha! I knew it!" So did I; I just didn't think she'd ever actually admit it. Her timing couldn't be any worse; for her sake anyways.

"And we started to get on really well when we were doing homework together." I silently growl, my teeth gritting. That's your roommate and friend's boyfriend, you two faced—

"So you were happy when you heard they had split up?" Patricia asked knowingly.

"Well, I was sorry for Amber, obviously. But, if I'm being honest..... yes I was." Oh that little— "I'm just not sure Amber's right for him. They've got absolutely nothing in common." The sound of the two grows distant, following the sound of the door opening and closing.

I frown, hearing the stall next to me unlock and slowly jar open. Not hesitating to unlock mine, seeing the heartbroken and betrayed look on Amber's face.

She didn't acknowledge me, just walked over to the sink and washed her hands. I did the same. When she was done, she shut the water tap, but her hand remained on the handle.

"She lied to me." Amber said absentmindedly, string into the sink. "She told me she had zero feelings for Mick."

I place a comforting hand on her back, trying not to frown. Obviously she would say that, why would anyone want to come clean about having feelings for someone else's partner, much less their friend/roommate's? Obviously Mara had to have felt guilty for these feelings, but would she have acted on them otherwise?

Frankly the fact that she denied having feelings, but enjoyed helping Mick with his homework and studies— even if he had pleaded, while she knew it had upset Amber is just a betrayal in itself.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked, looking up at me. In my opinion, Mick isn't worth it. I like hanging out with him from time to time, and he's my friend, but he isn't the greatest person to date in all honesty.

I only shrugged my shoulders while gently shaking my head, telling her 'I don't know' before pulling her into a hug.

One of her best friends was indirectly trying to work her way into her boyfriend's heart. Of course she needs the hug.

"You give the best hugs, you know that?" She speaks quietly as she hugs me tighter. I hold onto her securely, rocking us back and forth.

Mick and Mara better watch themselves.


The rest of the school day went on as per usual; with the added bonus of Patricia actually being a decent human being towards Nina. Her bitchy attitude also dying down in comparison to how it's been since Nina arrived.

I was packing up my things as the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. I noticed Mara was hanging back, taking her sweet time. So I grab a piece of paper to jolt down my thoughts, and slip it in front of her discreetly.

She looked up at me confused before opening said sheet, her eyes going wide as she did. I pull out my computer as she shot up from her seat.

"Victoria, you can't say anything! Please!" She begged, me not mentioning that Amber was in the bathroom as well. "I would never-"

'Just watch yourself, Mara. Cuz frankly I never thought I'd see you as a home wrecker.' I typed, cutting her off.

"But I'm not!"

'Not yet.' I responded. 'Stay in your lane, Jaffray. Mick goes to you for your brain- I don't get why, seeing as he has Fabian as a roommate, but he does.' The computer rants as I narrow my eyes at her. 'My guess, because as a female, you compared to Fabian, the tutoring wouldn't seem as boring. You are just a mean of convince so he doesn't flunk. That's it; aside from genuinely being a friend.'

'Amber is your friend too. Keep that in mind. So try not to get in the way, yeah?'

She was gobsmacked by the time I was out the door, leaving the classroom.


"What took you so long?" Nina asked as I entered our room, rummaging through my closet for an outfit for the party.

'Just needed to have a talk with Mara, that's all.' I responded, smiling innocently. She eyed me suspiciously, but didn't ask further questions regarding the matter.

"See you down there?" Nina said, referring to the party that hasn't started just yet, but would be soon. I responded with a nod, and she smiles before heading out.

Seeing as I was the only one who was here, I quickly got changed. After staring at myself in the mirror for 5 minutes, I had deemed this outfit worthy of Millington party approval.

Hair and makeup, however... I'll need to work on that.

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