House of Lies p2

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"Did you hear about Mr. Fleming's replacement?" Mara asked, filling the surprisingly quiet void during supper. I noticed some tension between her, Amber and Mick. Amber must have found out about the bracelet. I'm sure that went over well. Not. "They've finally found someone."

"Oh joy." Jerome says sarcastically. "I'm so excited to get back to learning about dead people and things that are no longer relevant."

"They've also finally found someone to take over for drama, haven't they?" Fabian piped in, Mara nodding in reply. "Might be fun." He says with a shrug.

'Goodbye free periods, I will miss thee.' The voice of the computer says as I hold the back of my hand to my forehead, tilting my head back a bit for the dramatics. Causing a handful of my housemates to laugh.

Of course we'll still have a couple; but nowhere near as many anymore. That's when I would normally get most of my homework done so I wouldn't have to stay after classes so often! Now that's ruined! Sad.

"Well I'm actually rather excited to see what we learn from that class." Amber says as she flips her hair over her shoulder, while also shocking people with her words.

"You? Excited for school? And learning?" Mick questions with a laugh, and Amber narrows her eyes at him, saying nothing else.

'Frankly at this rate, I don't think we need the drama class,' the laptops audio plays as I pick at my dinner with my fork, 'there seems to be enough going on in this house already.'

"You can say that again." Nina mumbled, and Fabian and I nod. To which Patricia scoffs but keeps her mouth shut.

"What do you reckon they'll make us do?"

Jerome gets up from the table, collecting his and I's plates as we had both finished, bringing them to the kitchen. I get up from my seat and transfer myself to the couch.

'I just hope we don't wind up having to reenact anything that has to do with kissing. I think I'll pass.' The computer plays as I scrunch up my face.

"What? Scared of a little smack on the lips, fair lady?" Alfie jokes, he and Jerome snicker.

I just shrug my shoulders before typing. 'I don't know. I'd just rather not have my first kiss be because of a silly scene written on parchment.'

"First kiss?" Amber says with her mouth hanging wide. "You mean to tell us you've never been kissed before? But what about boyfriends? Crushes?!"

'When have I ever said anything about ever having one?' I tilt my head. 'And besides, I don't exactly think there are a lot of guys out there who want to date a mute.'

"Unless they're a misogynist who think women shouldn't speak or have an opinion." Nina says, throwing it out there. She'd know all about that; being American, of course.

Before anyone can make a comment, I get on board with her, but disagree, shaking my head. 'Nah, because being a mute doesn't make it fun for them since I physically can't speak.'

"True." The snap of her fingers ending with her pointing at me as the look on her face expresses her agreement.

"Well this conversation certainly got dark." Alfie says before shoving more food into his mouth.

"I still find it hard to believe you've never had a boyfriend," Jerome says, joining me in the living room, lemonade in hand, trying to stir the conversation back onto the less gruesome side, "or at least have been kissed."

'And why's that?' I tilt my head, looking up at him with curious eyes. Wanting him to elaborate.

"Well for one, your gorgeous. Even a nearly legally blind bloke could see that." Well jeez Jerome, tell me how you really feel.

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