House Of Cheats p1

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Patricia leaned back against her door, trying to calm herself, overthinking everything she just heard. She pulled out her phone, surprised when she picked up on the second ring, but couldn't be bothered to think much of that as her mind was still reeling over the fact that her best fright might have been murdered by her teachers.

"Mum, I want you to come and get me out of this place! They killed Joy!" The redhead exclaimed, panicked. Her tone souring at her mother's sarcastic uninterested response, also feeling bitter recalling Victoria's words about her and the others being sent to boarding school year after year. "No, mum, this is not "another bid for attention". One of my friends could be dead!!"


"You're late." Mrs Andrews notes as Fabian, Nina and I enter the class. Everyone already in their seats with their headphones on for the listening comprehension test.

"Sorry." They both apologise while I simply wore a guilty expression. 

"Get to your places. We're about to start." We scurry to our seats, writing our names on our papers. "Have you seen Patricia on your travels?" We all shook our heads 'No.'

"Right, she'll be getting an 'f' then..." our teacher sighed. "We'll start the test." She hit play, the French audio beginning soon after.


"Yes the test's already started, Mick. Quiet, please." I faintly hear Mrs Andrews say quietly as the audio continues.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry, but it's just, I didn't catch the last bit of the first question. Can you start it again please?"

"You know the rules." She says, shutting down Mick's request while everyone else tried to focus on the audio, checking off the boxes of what we think the answer is.

This goes on for another 45 minutes, just French blah blah blah in my ear until the bell rings. "Okay, time's up!"

Slowly one by one we get up from our desks to hand in the blue sheets of paper, giving in our test. Jerome for whatever reason holds me back, and I look up at him with a curious expression. He gestures at me to be quiet, holding a finger to his lips which I narrow my eyes at him for, looking unamused. He rolls his eyes with an expression that says 'you know what I mean' before turning my head to where Mara exists the classroom, discreetly throwing out a blue sheet of paper.

I raise an eyebrow, my curiosity further peaked. We head for the rubbish bin, and Jerome pulls out the paper, my mouth dropping at what it was. Mick's French test?!

"Juicy, isn't it?" Jerome smirks, stuffing the test in his bag.

Instead of answering, I simply pull Jerome out of the classroom quickly, scanning the halls in hopes of spotting Mara. I was in luck because she was being whisked away by Patricia.

"Man, I've flunked big time!" We hear Mick complain to Amber, feeling defeated and distraught.

"Ah, don't worry boo. Who needs french anyway?" Amber say's encouragingly. "If everyone spoke English life would be so much simpler." Truer words could have never been spoken. And by Amber, no less.

"Wouldn't worry about it, mate." Jerome comments with a smirk, patting him on the back. "Something tells me you're gonna do a little bit better than you think you did."

Amber and Mick look between the two of us confused, I don't blame them. Because why in the world would Jerome of all people be supporting Mick? It was rather odd.

We didn't give them much time to really question us about anything. The two of us following Mara and Patricia, we hid behind the corner as they enter the bathroom. I quickly move to hold the door just before it fully closed, that way they couldn't hear it being pushed open again. Waiting for the two to lock themselves in a stall before gesturing Jerome to follow. Closing the door gently. The two of us hiding ourselves in a stall as well.

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