meeting the four wolves

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Your pov.

After joining the ghost fox pack you were treated like you're part of their family. Sarah found out that you are part ot the ghost fox pack and was vary happy about it that you made some friends and joined a group. Jason tease you that you're been adopted by them and saying you're becoming a softy. You didn't care that you're a softy there nothing wrong with it.

Of course jason got punished by the ghost foxes when one of them appear behind them.and suddenly hug him making him scream and fall in the pool. He almost got grab by one of the shorks fins. "That instant karma jason hehe." Sarah chuckles as she laugh with the ghost foxes as you stare at jason trying not to laugh. Jason glare at you and walk away. What wrong with jason? You kinda wonder why jason didn't seem to like you vary much. You didn't do anything to make him mad you didn't make fun of him or anything.

He only got mad at you when you're around sarah does that mean he is jealous of you? You feel sad as sarah noticed. "What wrong y/n?" She asked as your ears went down slightly and said. "I think he mad at me when im around you." Sarah thinks as she realized what it was. "Hmm let me talk to him whatever it is it's not your fault." She said as she walks to where Jason is. You sigh as one of the ghost fox look at you and smile. "Don't worry y/n maybe jason is having a bad day at work." The ghost fox said as you nod. "Yea maybe i just wanted to be his friend not his enemy. " you sigh as you float. "I'll be in the garden if you need me. " you said as the ghost foxes nod and disappear as you float out the pool room.

Floating to the garden you see two wolves one that wearing purple shades as the other one wearing blue headphones listening to music. They look like they having fun. You smile at them as you thought 'they look like they having fun. One of them wearing headphone look like me but gray and only have one tail.' One of them noticed you "what the!?" The one with headphones said as the one with purple shade look at you and look shocked as the one with blue headphones.  you panic and quickly turn invisible floating to the garden. "Oh my god oh no no they saw me! Shouldn't of stay invisible. I hope they go back of what they doing." You thought as you walk in the garden and see the slime pups and slime dragon pups playing. 

Slowly turning visible the pups see you and runs to you tackling you to the ground as you laugh with the pup snuggling in your fur. "Haha stop im ticklish hahaha!!" You giggles as the pups barks happy as the slime dragon pups nip at your ear. "Ow hey!" You yelp and playful push them away from your ears making come right back and nip you again playful. After a while the pups calm down and let you go as you catch your breath. "Ok ok i know you guys missed me and wanted to play. But we have to keep quiet so the other goos won't noticed me." You said as they nod understand as they were worried that some goos might attack you since your a new goo and always around the scientists. They feared that the panthers will notice since they one of the strongest goos in the lab and will attack you first since you're not strong enough to defense yourself and didn't want you to be harmed as the pups see you as their best friend.

You quietly play with the pups as you thought about the two wolves you saw and thought. 'I wonder who they are? They look friendly and chilled. I hope i don't ruined their fun.' A paw poke your arm. You look down to see a green pup looking at you with worry. You smile and pet the pup. "Sorry i was lost in thought." You said as the pup nod and went off to the other pups to play. Few mins the pups seem to be hungry. You got and look at the pups. "I'll go get some food i'll ve back quick stay in the garden until i get back. If you see a human hide. " You said as the pups nod. You turn invisible and float out the garden and head to the cafe. As you float to the cafe you see two more wolves but this time one ot them has a hat on as the one wears the dark shade they seem to be asleep. You quietly float pass them as you walk threw the door thinking it won't wake them up. The wolf with the hat woke up to see the door open by itself and gets confused. "Hmm maybe the door acting up again." He sigh as he got up as his brother wakes up after few secs as they both went off to find their cousins. 

You float in the cafe and check to see no one around you turn visible and grabs some food except the lemon slice. "And that should be enough food for the pups." You said as you turn back to invisible and float back to the garden. As you float you saw the wolves but this time you see all four of them. "We swear we saw another me but with three tails and is floating!" The other with headphones shout as the one with purple shades nods agreed with the headphone wolf. "What on earth are you talking about jammer? Maybe you saw a ghost fox floating by." The one with the dark shades said. "But it part fox and part wolf shades! It has three tails and it snowy white and it looked ghost like! They look like me but like a vip jammer!" The one with headphones who you found out named is jammer said as he looked panicked as he couldn't believe he and his brother just saw.

"Jammer that is impossible vips don't survive that long because of humans attacking them and you're saying that jammer you saw has snowy white fur and also part fox?" The one with the hat said as he shake his head annoyed as heck. "Fedora you got to believe us we saw them!" The one with purple shade said. You watch them both mad at yourself and also hoping that the fedora and shade didn't believe them. 'Oh my gosh...what have i done...? But thankfully they didn't seem to believe them...' You sigh as you float to the garden away from the wolves arguing.

Time skip after feeding the pups

The pups gets ready for bed as you sit in the middle by the tree. "Ok ready for bed? "You asked them as they nod as you close your eyes and slowly let out the must beautiful howl you can manage the pups slowly fall asleep. You so focus on putting the pups to sleep you didn't noticed few the four wolves standing outside the window of the garden watching you in awe. You slowly opening your eyes to see all four of them.staring at you with jaws dropped making you get scared and awkwardly wave at them. "Ummm.....hi?" You let out a nervous laugh as you wanted to run away and hide. "See i told you two!" Jammer said as he softly punch fedora arm making the other wolf growl. "I...i should be going....b bye!" You said as your about to leave "WAIT!!!" Jammer shouted as all four of them rush into the garden waking up the pups. When the pups noticed the wolves and growl at them and block their way of getting near you. "Stay away from our friend!" "Yea them alone!!" The pups bark at them as few dragon pups growls at them. "Wait wait wait we are not here to harm anyone!" Night shade said as they all raise their paws in the air in a surrender. "We just here because we heard the most beautiful song we ever heard!" Jammer said as you wanted to hide behind the tree. "Umm i don't know what you're talking about sir i didn't hear a howl." You said trying not to feel flustered from that nice commit from jammer.  "Oh really little wolfy you didn't hear a howl? Then how come we saw you howling making the pups to fall asleep?" Fedora said as he stare at you. "Umm uhh..." You are lost of words. "There no need to be embarrassed little wolf you should sing more if you like." Shade as the other wolves nods agreed.

You look away from them hiding your blush. "Umm thanks...umm but i didn't want to put you guys to sleep if i do that." You said as they chuckles "we didn't feel sleepy when we listening to you." Night shade said as you look at in shocked. "I i forget it doesn't work on other good except for the pups and humans." You said ad the wolves stare at you in shock as well. "Wait it on humans?!" Jammer said as you nods. "Yes i only use it when they chase some slimes that are shiny. " You said as they look at each other. "Are there more of you around?" Shade asked as you shake your head. "No im the first lunarsong." You said as they look at each other them back to you. "So your a new goo.." Fedora said as one of the pup growl at them " yes and if any of you hurt them you will pay!" The pup barked as the other pups nods agreed."ok ok we not gonna harm the lunarsong!" Jammer said as you sigh and pet the pups. "Ok the humans name me y/n and have a collar ob me to track where i am if a goo attack me then they'll quickly stop that goo from killing me. That why im hiding so i don't put them in danger. I seen one of the scientists as my mother and didn't her to be harmed. But i only want friends but im scared that you guys won't like because I'm new." You said as you start to cry the pups quickly run to you to calm you down. The wolves feels bad for you as jammer walks up to you and place a paw on your head making you jump a bit and look up at him seeing him smiling down at you. "You're not alone y/n you made friends with the pups and i kinda guess you made friends with the ghost foxes.

When i overhead them talking about the wolf fox creature so im guessing that creature is that cute little wolf fox like you." He said witch made you smile as he pull you in the hug making you let out a squeak. "Group hug!" He said as he pulled the other wolves  into a huge hug with you squeezed in the middle "i i can't breathe!" You said as they let go saying sorry. You all laugh from the hug. You guys didn't notice the three purple lights staring at you with curiosity and disappear.

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