sadness, softies, and insanity

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After meeting the wolves they show you around the lab and met with the other goos. The other goos seem curious of you when they find out you hang around with the humans some of them seem a bit scared of you while some seem chilled with you. You told them about yourself and sarah and even the mean jason. They laugh when they heard jason fall asleep in the trashcan and was shock when they learned you can put humans to sleep. "Wow really you can do that?" A hazzy said shocked as you nod. "Yes i only do that to protect the shiny slimes." You said nervous as jammer pat your back. "I just feel sad for what they been through after seeing a ghost pup." When you said that the slime hound start to cry as the other slime hound hug her. "She my daughter she our little shiny. I failed to protect her.." The female slime hound said as her mate calm her down.

You hear shiny whimper and see her by her parents trying to cheer them up. "Ms. Slime hound please don't cry shiny didn't want you to be sad." You said as she look at you. "Can you see her?" She ask as you nod. "Yes she by you trying to calm you down. She didn't want you to be sad. She understand you try your best to protect her she not mad at you. She didn't want you to be guilty she want you to be happy." You said as every goo stare at you witch made you a bit nervous. "S sorry..." You said as you look away. "No no its fine your part ghost fox so you're able to see the ghost goos." The male slime hound said as the female slime hound seems to clam down and smile sadly. "I guess your right. Shiny will do anything to make anyone happy. " shiny mom said as the male hound sigh as he smile.

After talking to shiny parents the other slime hounds seem to get friendly around you when their pups told them that you take care of them and they have the best sleep ever from your song. You never felt this special in your life. First you have a pack then made some friends and now you're a caretaker of the pups. Of course it made you a bit nervous but you promise to take care of the pups. As you were talking you noticed the four wolves staring at you with loving eyes and seem jealous when you hang around the others?

You get a bit nervous and shrug it off maybe they lost in their thought. Jammer walk up to you. "Hey y/n can we hang out?" He ask as the other wolves look at you. Nodding at his answer he drag you to the cafe with the other wolves. Why is his grip tighten up? Again you shrug it off as you follow him. In the cafe there few humans they noticed you guys and wave. You smile and wave at them back but stop when you heard shade growl at them quiet. "Umm shade you ok?" You asked worried for the wolf. "Umm yea just a bit hungry that all." He said as he chuckle nervous. You stare at him not believe but decided not to ask him.

Grabbing a cake as you sit down by a female human. She look friendly she had brown hair and gold eyes and light brown skin.  "H hello my name is  Angelica a and this is Angel my s sister?" She said quietly as her sister angel smile at you and wave. "Hello Angelica and Angel the name y/n and this is jammer, night shade, shade and fed." You said as the wolves give the sisters a fake smile. Angelica noticed this and gets a bit worried but didn't say anything. "So what kind of goo are you? You seem vary pretty and vary fluffy of my goodness can i pet you?" Angel said as she stare at you with stars in her eyes. You nod as she pet your head making you wag your tails. "Aww so cute and fluffy!" "A angel c c calm down you don't wanna make them nervous s sorry s she can be vary hyper but she'll stop when you get nervous. " Angelica said as angel nod. "Yep and you should meet our others sister Alexandra and Angela! But we must warn you don't fall for Angela tricks...and her pranks she'll act innocent. " Angel said as Angelica nod. "So you guys are quads?" Fed asked as the sisters nods. "So how did you guys get here if you don't mind me asking." Night shade said and the sisters look down in sadness. "Well our dad abandoned us to get rid of us because he thinks we useless because were girls and yes he that kind of person." Angel said as you stare at them in shocked. " w what?" You said. "H he tricked us into taking us to a trip after what he done to us. So yea that why we here as test subjects but the good news is that one of his sisters works here and adopted us! Even though we were hurt for what our dad did but he in the past now." Angel said as angelica nods sadly. "Yes s she takes of us and help her and her husband our the lab." Angelica said "you made friends with the goos." You asked them. The sisters nodded. "Yes but Angela being Angela being a jerk to some of the goos like the buck, some of the langs, and a lemon shork. And she hangs out with the panthers and oh my gosh one of the panthers almost attack me when i trying to pet it but thank goodness Alexandra saved me. But what did Angela do? She laugh at me and don't forget she made one of the red slime dragon pup jump scare Angelica!" Angel yelled as Angelica look down embarrassed. "Y yea a an i heard t they eat humans s so i f freaked out when the s slime dragon curl on my head. I i thought it was sleeping until she did a signal to it and the slime dragon pup tugged on my hair making me fall down only landing on the pups." Angelica said as she covered her face you can hear her screams muffled as angel patted her back. "Was she always like this? The mean sister?" Shade asked as angel shake her head no "that her way of dealing with the pain of what dad did.." Angel said as she said suddenly a girl yelling for the sisters to come here. "Oh gosh there she is well see you guys later." Angel said as her and angelica walk away to their elder sister. You feel bad for the sisters of what they went through. "Well that was something can't believe the dad did that to them." Night shade said as jammer nod agreeing with him. "Yea i hope their dad will get in trouble of what he did." You said as you get chat and eat some of the food. You were about to tell them about a rainbow slime pup you saw until someone pull on one of your tails making yelp. You turn around to see Jason glaring at you. "Come on it time for another test mutt..." He said as jammer and night shade growl at him. " don't you dare call them a mutt you jerk!!" "Yea take your bad mood somewhere else!" Night shade and jammer snap at them as jason look at them with annoyed look. "Im not talking to you come on let get this over with already i have don't have all day..." He said as he dragged you away from the wolves. You wave bye to them with a sad look. "Stop waving at them idiot." Jason snap at you as he takes you to his office area. You stop and stare at him. "Why do you hate me im sorry that i made you a laughing stalk when you feel asleep in the trashcan. But i want to know why." You said as he glare at you. "She alway hang around you. She always talk about you she doesn't hang around you all the time. What makes you special your just a stupid wolf fox who big scary cat and a huge cry baby! " he snap at you as you stare at him in shock. "Sarah didn't like me because of you! She didn't like because i treated you like trash. Im trying to toughen you up! But what did you do? You act like a puppy crying for it mommy pathetic!!" He said as you stood their frozen. He about to say something until he heard someone clear their throat. You both look to see sarah and the four wolves behind her. "Jason what this about?" She ask as jason get nervous and act innocent. "I have no idea what your talking about i was about to test y/n." Jason said chuckling as sarah glare at him. "Oh really because i was told by one of the slime pups that you're carrying a large knife...and i guessing to kill y/n? " she said as you look at jason in shock. He was gonna kill you? "J jason...w why w would you w want to kill me?" You said as you felt fear and anger. "I tried to ve your friend Jason and this is how i get from you? Because you liked sarah and got angry when she always around me and you want to test me in order to kill me? I have done nothing but to be your friend...but you want to end my life...." You said as you try your best to calm down. "First you bullied them and now you want to kill them all because sarah didn't like you back? That so low even for you..." Fed said as he shake his head. "WOULD YOU GUYS JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!? " jason snap as he grab the knife and glare at you. "Now it time for you to go!" He said as he charge at you. You move out the way as he keep slashing you with the knife. You yelp when he hit your arm. "Jason stop!!"Sarah yelps as she grab him trying to stop him from hurting you. He push her away and when he about to stab you. Jammer and night shade tackled him to the ground as shade and fed help you and sarah up. Jason tries to break free but jammer and night shade are both stronger then him. "Let me go you mutts!" He snap as jammer and night shade growl at him. "After cutting y/n arm never!" Jammer yelling at Jason. Sarah calles out the higher ups and told them what happened. Jason was put into jail as sarah have bandage your arm up. "Im sorry for what jason have done to you. I didn't know he'll act like that." She said as you pat her back. "Its ok it Wasn't your fault Sarah. " You said as the wolves nod agreeing with you. Sarah smile slightly. "Ok if you guys say so." She said as you and the wolves walk back to the caves the ghost fox and some pups saw your arm and got worried. You told them what happened as they were shocked. "I knew he was crazy but not that crazy!" One of the ghost fox said as the other nodded as the pups runs to you and as you hug them. Every is going to be fine....or is it?

The wolves stare at you. After the slash from jason they start to get worried. What if the other goos starting hurting you? Or what if..."he" noticed you and will target you since you always around humans. No they won't let that happen even though "he" stronger then them they won't let him harm you not even any other goo. You are their little wolf fox theirs only.

(By the way the quadruplets humans are the night charms my kaiju paradise ocs ^^) 

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