the nightcrawlers past

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In the library the Nightcrawler sit on the large pillow under the staircase. He took out a photo of him and a ghost fox. What strange about this ghost fox is that he has three tails. Nc tears fall onto the photo as he hugs it. "I missed you cloudy...." He said as memory of him and cloudy appear in his mind.


In the blackout nc went on a hunt for humans. He search for any signs of humans he hear a cry near the garden.  He went to investigate as he walks in the green house where the crying come from the garden cave. He walks in the cave and saw a crying ghost fox hugging himself. When the ghost fox spotted nc he yelps before backing away growling. "What do you want are you g g gonna m make fun of me!?" The ghost fox shout glaring at the lizard in front of him. "What do you mean im gonna make fun of you? What the hell are you talking about?" Nc said as he stare at the ghost fox with the look of confusion and a bit of annoyed. When the ghost fox noticed the nc have no idea what he was talking about. "Well the other goos make fun of me because i three tails...." The ghost fox said quietly before showing his three fluffy tails. The nightcrawler stare at them in shock and amazement. They look more fluffier then the other ghost foxes tails as they sparkles like the diamond slimes. "Wow..." The nc said shocked as the ghost fox hide his tails fearing that he gonna make fun of them. "No don't hide them...please they vary unique and beautiful." Nc said as he look away hiding his blush. The ghost fox look at him in shock as he was blushing a pale blue. "You really mean it? " the ghost fox asked the lizard hoping he not lying. "Yes i mean it cloudy." The nightcrawler chuckle as he walk up to the shy ghost fox before petting his head. "T thank you..." The shy ghost fox said quietly.

"We have some good times together. Reading books, chilling, annoying the try hards. What amazing about you is your melody you have the most softest voice whenever you sing. You not much of a fan of always yelling at me  everytime i came back all scratch up or all bloody. You always bandaged me up and have me rest on your soft tails. Witch i found it strange you that you usually didn't want me touching your tails...i guess i have my chance. Everytime we spend together i staring having feelings for you. At first i didn't know what it was until i asked one of the vips who is a nightshade. He told it called love and explain what it was. Now that i think about i did cought myself staring at you with loving eyes. At first i didn't know what is wrong with me. I never have this feeling before. Did i feel in love with a ghost fox? Yes..yes i did i didn't want to tell because i didn't want to scare you away. I wished i shouldn't have tell you sooner before they killed you... I couldn't forgive myself cloudy."

In a blackout nc and the ghost fox hang out in the crystal cave chilling together. The nightcrawler look at the ghost fox next to him. 'Should i tell him...?' He asked himself as he takes a deep breath. "Cloudy i have something to tell you. You know we been hanging out for a while now and..." He pause as the ghost fox look at him with curiosity. "What is it night?" The ghost fox asked as the nightcrawler clear his throat. "I lov - " before he can say another word someone yelled. " GUYS LOOK IT THE NIGHTCRAWLER GET HIM!!!!"  Then groups of humans walk up to the two holding out their weapons. The Nightcrawler hiss as ghost fox got scared. "Cloudy run!!!" The nightcrawler shout at the ghost fox. " b but..." "I SAID RUN NOW!!" He shout as the humans start attacking the goo. The ghost fox ran away but didn't realized another group of humans chase after him. The nightcrawler killed some of the humans while some turned into minions helping out in the battle. He hear the ghost fox scream for help. "CLOUDY!" The nightcrawler scream as he rush to save his friend. Reach to what thr scream was and was shocked to see the wounded ghost fox zapping the human while holding his bleeding wound. Then see spotted a human whole a scythe behind the wounded fox. "Cloudy behind you!!!" Nc shouted before the ghost fox can turn away the human slice on the back. The ghost fox fall down to the ground bleeding badly. The nc let out a loud hiss and charge at the humans killing them all in the instant. He growls as he turn to see the ghost fox bleeding to death he rush over and help him up. " stay with me cloudy please." He cries hugging the ghost fox. Two scientists rush out and see what going on. "Oh what happened!?" One of the scientist named jasmine said in shocked while the other scientist name sarah stare in shocked. "Please help cloudy!!" He shouted at them jasmine and sarah picked up the wounded ghost fox taking them to the lab to patch him up. Jasmine and sarah are the other two scientists that the nc trusted the most. He sits by the lab room waiting patiently for the news. For a while sarah walk out sadly and look at him. "Nc cloudy wanted to see you..." Sarah said as she opens the door for the nightcrawler to walk through. In the room he saw the ghost fox smiling at him weakly his fur is more paler then ever as he look pretty weak. "Hey...nighty" he said as he cough a bit. The nightcrawler hold his paw tight. "Cloudy please stay with us...please...." The nightcrawler said tearing up as the ghost foc place his other paw on the nightcrawler cheek. "Please don't gonna make me cry too..." He said as he stare at nc with sad eyes. The nightcrawler wipe his tears and sigh. "Nc i was scared to tell you that i h have feelings for you when we first met..." The ghost fox said quietly. "I was afraid that you'll regret me so i didn't say anything." He said as he look down. "I also have feelings for you cloudy...i didn't know what it was until a vip told me." Nightcrawler chuckle remember the vip nagging at him to confess to the ghost fox. "yea the vip did the same thing to me it was a jammer." The ghost fox giggles. "I guess these two knuckle heads decided to nag at us until one of us confess." The nightcrawlers said as both of them laugh. "Well there were a couple so i guess they decided to help us." The ghost fox said as he gives the nightcrawler a kiss on the lips. The nightcrawler was startled a bit until he kisses back. Slowly the ghost fox paws went limp making the nc look at him to see the ghost fox not moving or breathing. "Cloudy? Cloudy!!!" He said as he tries to wake the ghost fox up but to no avail.

After cloudy death the vips feel bad for the Nightcrawler as they visit from time to time to cheer him up. He wasn't himself he mostly stayed in the library holding a photo of him and the ghost fox.

Flashback end

When the Nightcrawler heard about the goo called lunar song and their ability to put humans to sleep. He got a nagging feeling that he remember that song. When he lurks in the vents and spotted you. He was in shocked when he saw your tails. They reminded him of cloudy and how you didn't let any pup touch your tails cloudy does the same thing. It like cloudy was reborn and became a new goo. He spies on you from time to time until he send out a pup to come get you. He wanted to see you close. When he look at you and noticed that you're part vip jammer. He decided to test you for himself he thought that you'll take his title but now he didn't care that anymore all he want is you to stay with him. Be with him for good..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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