Chapter 53-54

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Chapter 53

An Yinong was stunned for a moment, but when he looked again, there was nothing.

He doesn't know what to say anymore, this feeling is weird and surprising. The only thing that can be confirmed is that that being has goodwill towards him.

He tried hard to recall, and pulled out his memory frame by frame to distinguish: "Is it the one by the bridge?" He has been here for so long, and he has done this kind of thing.

The wind in the valley hummed, but no one responded.

"I don't know who you are, I want to thank you." He folded his hands and said to the valley.

After calming down a little, An Yinong walked inside. He saw a large piece of kudzu. If the root was dug out and made into kudzu root powder, it would be at least 10 to 20 jin.

In addition, he followed the bees to discover a hollow tree trunk that had long been used as a nest by the bees, and was filled with fan-shaped hives.

"Is this a gift from nature?" An Yinong's eyes glowed green.

On that day, he only dug out part of the kudzu, and also picked a lot of green persimmons that were not yet ripe.

The next day he came with a gauze hat, a jar, a sickle, etc., and took away countless honeycombs, honey, and bee pupae, and left a hive for the bees to live in the queen bee.

The queen bee is still here, and the bee population is still here. Aynon blessed the queen bee to keep her healthy.

He brought back the bee pupae and cooked them to eat, and the hive and honey were separated into two jars.

An Yinong, who has never eaten insects and insect-related foods, ate this high-protein food for the first time: "First, locusts, then bee pupae. Maybe you can try roasting cicada pupae and frying scorpions in the future."

Sprinkle salt, Fragrance made the system next door cry.

When he came back on the third day, he held a bucket of water, scooped up the fruit on the persimmon tree, and poured a whole bucket of water on the persimmon tree. As for the kudzu, one-fifth of it is also reserved for reproduction, and the rest are dug up.

Pueraria root powder cannot be eaten too much, but no matter what, it is stronger than bark and Guanyin soil.

After the things were moved back, An Yinong bought incense sticks and wrapped a prepared multigrain cake in paper. He found the nameless grave that had been erected in the dry river.

An Yinong knocked around in the village, and no one told him who had drowned in the river, so he still didn't know the name of this person.

"I didn't believe this before, but now I have to."

Three lit incense sticks were placed on the grave, and a paper bag was placed next to it. The paper bag contained a multigrain cake and a persimmon. An Yinong bowed and left.

He didn't notice that after he turned around, the three sticks of incense suddenly burned wildly, burning to the roots in the blink of an eye. The incense smoke floated into the air, vaguely blowing the appearance of a smiling woman.

An Yinong went home to deal with persimmons.

The persimmon tree is really a tree of life for the poor. In the famine years, this tree brought hope to many people, and now it also brings hope to An Yinong.

Green persimmons can be peeled and made into persimmon cakes. Ripe persimmons can be eaten by themselves or sold, although they can't be sold for a few dollars.

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