Chapter 211

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When An Yinong composed his lyrics and songs under a pen name, he didn't expect his identity to be revealed after his death, nor did he expect that he would be evaluated as 'one of the composers who held up the Golden Age'.

Honestly, the emotions were quite complicated.

Especially when he thought that many people he knew were still mixing in the entertainment industry and had become 'seniors', the mood was even more complicated.

Wanting to go, but not daring to go, near the hometown, he felt timid.

"Xiao Qi, it's really not the world you chose for me?"

The system shook its head, "What's wrong with this world?"

The system was so stupidly white and sweet, if it had done it, it would have already claimed credit. But it was clear that it was completely unaware, so it could only be the new boss's arrangement.

For a moment, An Yinong realized what was meant by 'leader's charisma', and there was also an impulse to 'die for a friend'.

Of course, it was a momentary impulse, and then he felt that he was the one dragging the family along, so he should be a little calmer, a little more rational, and not be too impulsive.

Five minutes short of nine, employee Xiao Wu came, swiping his cell phone with his head down as he entered the door, and then walked over to the cabinet where the cat and dog food was kept as was his habit, wanting to feed the foster pets.

"They I've already fed." An Yinong, wearing black plastic gloves, a mask, and a bandana, came out of the bathroom, "The front room has been cleaned, come help me clean up the hair in the bathroom."

"Oh, okay." Xiao Wu froze and put down her cell phone.

Xiao Wu put on his gloves and started to clean the machine used for drying pet hair, he quietly looked up at the boss as he worked: did the sun come out of the west today? Didn't the boss used to wait for him to do the chores?

Is it possible that it's because business has been bad lately and it's driving people nuts?

And when Xiao Wu realized that the young boss found out that a stray cat had appeared in the store and didn't drive it away but opened a can to feed it and told others not to disturb it, his expression was even more horrified.

The young boss was nice, soft-spoken, and meticulous, but at the same time he was stingy and lazy, so what was going on today?

"Cough cough cough." An Yinong lowered his head and coughed a few times as he continued to clean the animal hairs in the room with a sticky brush. The previous him wasn't this clean, I don't know if Ah Yu infected him.

The small bathroom only had a four-square stainless steel bathtub, a four-square hair-drying machine, and a table for grooming that could be adjusted in height, but it still felt cramped, and it was impossible to turn it around with one more person standing.

This kind of place is even more difficult to clean up.

He found long hairs and short hairs, curly hairs and straight hairs in some inconspicuous corners, and these hairs made him sneeze all the time.

Could it be that the original owner had allergies?

An Yinong recalled for a while that the original owner was not allergic to animal hair, so it seemed to be his psychological problem.

Pets mutated and attacked their owners frequently, recently the business of pet-related stores is not good, An Yinong two people spent a morning cleaning the bathroom, rinsed twice, and the floor tiles and crevices are rinsed clean.

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