Chapter 161-162

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 Chapter 161

The four words of "People of Weakness" are sharp and true.

An Yinong smiled wryly and looked at the 'novice gift package' again.

There is also a sharp animal tooth next to the tumor. This piece of residual tooth was as big as a palm, like a winter bamboo shoot, and one end was stuck into the main root of a big tree, and the wound of the main root bulged to form a tumor.

The pain he felt came from near the animal's teeth.

An Yinong pulled out the animal tooth, and green juice flowed out from the wound on the main root, but the sharp pain from the tree was much relieved.

It swung its body to show its thanks, and An Yinong felt its joy and gratitude. And there are many other trees of the same kind.

"It feels clearer," he said to the system. "I 'heard' a gentle voice saying that its flowers have a powerful narcotic effect on living things. It can bloom if I need it.

" The white and simple mood made An Yinong happy.

He rejected the tree's offer and then cut off the lump with the transformed knife.

It was soft, and the incision was bloody, but the inside was more like red berries, with a scent of grass and trees.

Smelling the aroma, he felt an unprecedented appetite erupt in his stomach. The instinct of the body is saying, eat up, eat up.

Just by sniffing it, he wanted to swallow the bloody mass alive.

"It is said that when wild animals are sick, they will instinctively look for herbs that are useful to them. Perhaps this is the same situation. I am almost sure that it does have a special effect on me who is in the differentiation stage." An Yinong restrained himself. Resisting the urge to bite, he cut off a piece with a knife.

"Host, do you really want to eat this thing?" This thing has been bleeding, and it looks really disgusting.

"Of course." As he spoke, he opened his mouth to eat the small piece, "Mmm."

The jelly-like substance melted as soon as it touched the lips, and the fresh and sweet juice filled the mouth with a faint smell of blood. In terms of taste, it is a bit like the taste of blood clams. People who don't like it will feel bloody in their mouth, but those who like it will find it sweet and delicious. An Yinong belongs to the latter.

"The hunger has subsided a little, it helps." An Yinong didn't hesitate any longer, he ate the bloody thing piece by piece.

On the light screen of the game, his blood volume is recovering bit by bit, and his physical condition is getting better and better.

Only the audience in front of the screen thumped their feet and thumped their chests: "Is something worth hundreds of thousands just eaten raw like this?"

Ordinary people with a monthly salary of only three or four thousand are drooling with envy. They want to know now that this is ridiculously expensive. What does something taste like when eaten raw, isn't it particularly delicious?

"It's not delicious, it smells like blood." A local tyrant who had eaten it passed by and left a message, "It doesn't look like a rich man, but he ate hundreds of thousands of dollars directly. It's courageous."

"The least efficient way to use it, he should keep it and eat it when he is injured." Another person commanded from the air.

"I think so too." Someone agreed.

A viewer couldn't stand it: "What you eat belongs to you. If you keep it, you don't know who will be cheaper in the future."


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