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"I can't believe my baby girl is finally graduating high school." My dad says, wiping his eyes. I'm already blushing but a new wave of heat crashes onto my cheeks. The hot weather isn't helping either.

But I'm not too fussed. I'm proud of myself. That's four years of high school completed, and I've got another four years of college to get through before I'm pretty much free of education forever. It's daunting but I'm excited to get to it.

My brother hands me a bunch of flowers and gives me a tight, AXE scented hug. My dad just cries and my mom coddles him gently, holding his hand and telling him it's okay, I'm still gonna come home tonight. I catch a glimpse of Ethan and his parents behind them; his mom is kissing him profusely, covering his face with bright red lipstick.

He sees me watching and rolls his eyes, but I know he's super happy. He hasn't stopped talking about his mom coming down to see him graduate since the plans were confirmed last month.

Before I can make a face back at him, Janet hurries over with insane tear tracks down her face. Her mascara is running and her eyeliner is smudged, so she has some serious panda eye. Funnily though, it kinda suits her. "Alisa! Let's take some photos!"

I look at my family, who just smile at me and gesture for me to leave. "Okay, but your makeup is –"

"Oh, I already know. I'm keeping it this way, it'll be funny in like, 2019."


"When we have our seven year reunion. Duh!" She chuckles and pulls out her camera. I immediately smile, hugging her close as she takes a few pictures, changing my face after every flash goes off. After a while, my cheeks start hurting and I guess, so do hers.

"I'm gonna go find David and Anthony so we can do a group picture, cool?!"

"Are you gonna be okay with Anthony?"

She bites her lip hesitantly. Then she smiles at me. "I mean, of course! We're friends after all. You get Ethan, we'll meet here!" 

Janet and Anthony broke up in the middle March, when she decided she wanted to stay in California for college. The whole thing was pretty sad, but they managed to remain friendly with one another, and it was a welcome change from all the arguing they had been doing for the previous two months. Anthony even once told me it was nice to have Janet back as a friend so he didn't regret it, especially if it meant he still got to go to his dream school.

While Janet bounces off to find David and Anthony, I edge over to Ethan, who is talking to his mom and step dad. The lipstick stains have been smeared all over his face and he seems semi-agitated by something.

"Hey Alisa!" His dad says, looking relieved to see me. Ethan's head snaps towards me as soon as he hears my name. "Congratulations! You look fantastic."

"Thanks." I say, smiling slightly.

He's about to say something but then his mom coos when she sees me. "Oh Alisa! You look so grown up!"

She plants a kiss on both my cheeks and lets out a loud sigh, her hand to her heart.

"Hi Mrs Holland, It's nice to see you again." I smile at her husband too and I'm about to introduce myself before Ethan slides in next to me.

"Hey, guys, I'm... we're gonna have a talk, so if you could..."

They stare blankly at him after he leaves his statement open ended. Eventually, he gestures for them to leave. His dad looks on pleadingly while his mom plants another few kisses on Ethan's face and leaves us be.

"My mom is super clingy." He mumbles when they're out of earshot. "She literally wouldn't leave me alone all morning."

"I can tell." I say. He rubs his cheeks, spreading the lipstick over them. "You got some lipstick over... everywhere. I have some hand sanitiser and paper towels in my bag, wait a second."

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