Chapter 12

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As the school year progresses, I find myself getting lost in a cycle of school, getting ready for the play and work. My friends and I barely hang out unless it's at lunch or Janet and I are working the same shift. It's kind of weird to me how lonely I've become in senior year when according to all the cheesy Hollywood films, it's supposed to be the best year of my life. Janet is occupied with Anthony and Ella's scheming so hard when it comes to getting Josh back. My life pales in comparison to theirs and I feel like they've forgotten about me a little.

In early October, we're all hanging out in David's house, playing blackjack. We've pretty much become a friendship unit now and our lunch table is a lot more rowdy. It's fun with the boys now though, even Ella seems to having a good time when she hangs out with us.

"Guys, can we do something for New Years?" Ethan asks, running a hand through his hair.

I look up from my cards and stop sucking on my strawberry lollipop. "Like what?"

He shrugs. "Go skiing, I don't know?"

"Skiing? We live in San Diego." Ella says smartly. Ethan's vein almost pops out of his head.

"We'd travel, smart ass." He says and she blushes. I don't think they've gotten over the whole dating thing a month ago because they've been awkward around each other. Ethan told me he doesn't know if he trusts her a few days ago and I didn't answer him.

David puts a two down, causing Janet to groan. "Road trip? Why don't we go somewhere corny like LA?"

"Too sunny. I wanna see snow." Anthony says.

"Then we might as well go to New York or something. Corny and snowy." I say passively, thinking that they'd just gloss over what I said. To my surprise, everyone stops what they're doing to stare at me. "What?"

"Give me two minutes." David stands up and gets his laptop out. He opens up a page and starts typing rapidly while we all watch him, baffled on my part. "Round trips to JFK are three hundred dollars." He says.

I stare at him blankly but besides me, Ethan gasps. He shoves my side and I fall over, staring up at him confused. "Dude! We could totally go!"

"Oh my God, yeah! A cheap hotel would be like, what, thirty to forty dollars a night? We can stay for like four days!" Janet bounces upwards and squeals. "That'd be so cool! New Years in New York!"

I pick myself off the floor and collect my cards, thinking that the game is rightly forgotten. Anthony pushes me down again as he stands up to join Janet and I decide to accept my new position lying on the floor as they all get excited over the possibility of New York. It's fun to watch them but someone's gotta be the bearer of bad news...

"How are we gonna afford this?" Ethan asks, ever the voice of reason. Almost immediately Anthony and Janet stop jumping around in a circle together and glare at him. "I mean, my dad will pay because he's trying to buy my love but do you guys have savings or something? Or will your parents fund this?"

Ella shrugs. "My parents will."

David and Anthony agree with this. Janet vows to stop buying flapjacks with her pay check money up until we leave. Everyone looks at me but Ella assures them that I'm definitely coming without asking me what I think. It's whatever though.

I think of the numbers in my bank account and figure that I have enough money for this little trip they want to plan. Though, my mom might be against me going, especially since she loves New Years and thinks that like Christmas, it's all about family. She really is like Barney.

I'm still considering this when Ethan eventually drives me home.

"You've been quiet, 'Leese." He says, parking in front of my house. "Excited for New York?"

Ethan AdamsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin