Chapter 21

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"You look like you've seen a ghost." This is the first thing that Ethan says to me when we meet up outside the airport.

He's got the stupidly mischievous smile on his face as he says it. I look him up and down, wondering if I should give him the satisfaction of a reaction – I know that's what he wants. But then, Ella makes my choice for me.

"Ethan!" She shrieks and barrels past me into his arms. He hugs her but over her shoulder, he gives me a confused look. I just shrug and wander towards the big doors, separating me from my New York destiny.

I feel like freakin' Carrie Bradshaw. All I need is to curl my hair and acquire a huge fashionable skirt.

We get a coach into inner city Manhattan and get a taxi until we're close enough to the hotel we're staying at. I realise how spoiled I've been by suburbia when I see how close together everything is: there's barely any space to breathe here. Somehow it's refreshing. I could see myself living here if it ever came to that and hey, I might even mess around and enjoy myself.

"This place is cute!" Janet exclaims as we stand in line for check in.

"Right? I can't believe we could afford it..."

"It's only for a week."

"But still. Damn, my dad's breaking bank for this trip." Ethan says. He comes up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder like it's the most natural thing for him to do. I don't question it, mostly because I like it there. David winks at me and I feel like I'm going to spontaneously combust.

"Alisa and I get first pick of the rooms!" Ella hollers when the line moves up. Everyone starts grumbling but she chuckles, looking fulfilled. Then she spots Ethan's arm around my shoulder and frowns, but she doesn't say anything.

I sure as hell don't say anything either.

Later, Janet comes to chill in our room. She's sprawled out on my bed, flicking through the channels on the small television.

"Hey, look, they're showing Spirited Away on New Year's Eve!" She says.

"What's that?" I ask, braiding my hair. I sit next to her and cross my legs, taking up the minimum amount of space her stance has left me.

"It's like the best movie ever!" She gasps. "It's about this girl whose parents turn into pigs and – and – and bildungsroman!"


She shakes her head. "Okay. In two days, we'll watch it. Let's make it a thing, all six of us can chill together and watch it. Ella, you down?"

"Did I tell you I liked Ethan?" Ella asks randomly.

Janet whips her head around and frowns. "Who?"

"Ethan. You know, our cute blue eyed friend? Anyway, I want your help getting him to like me back, is that cool?" Janet looks at me. I pretend not to hear a word Ella's said but she takes our silence as affirmation. "Great! I knew y'all were my besties for a reason!"

We share a look again. She giggles and I guess Jessica calls her because she screeches about her phone ringing and leaves the room.

I look at the TV, wondering how I'm going to just... not do what Ella wants me to do. I mean, it's easy enough saying it but I'm pretty much a wimp when it comes to saying no to my friends. No matter how much I wanna change this, I know I haven't.

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