Chapter 6

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The weekend passes by really fast. I hang out at home on Sunday, catching up on homework and avoiding my mom's pleas to join one of her fitness classes. My dad and I end up going out for pizza because she won't leave us alone.

On Monday, Ethan gives me a ride to school in his car. I didn't expect it but it means I leave the house later than usual and still get to school with way too much time to spare and someone to hang out with for once. He parks in Josh's spot but when I tell him, he laughs in my face.

"How's Ella?" He asks me, brushing his hair out of his face.

I shrug. "Well, we talked yesterday and she was fine." I say. "She apologised for leaving so abruptly."

"Is she on her period? She seems like she's on her period." He rubs his chin. "I mean, I'm not judging if she is, but is she like... I mean... am I putting my foot in my mouth? You should tell me to shut up."

"Shut up, Ethan." I say.


We sit at a bench, talking idly about classes. His phone rings suddenly and he sighs when he sees the caller ID.

"I've gotta take this." He tells me. "I'll be back in a few."

I nod and he stands up, putting the phone to his ear and walking away. For a few moments, I watch him and he looks a little stressed but I can't hear what he's saying so I decide to forget about it. Someone taps me on my shoulder and surprisingly, it's Jessica.

"Hey, Alisa." She says and stretches her arms out.

"Jessica?" I blink at her, dumbfounded. Slowly, she puts her arms down and I understand that she wanted a hug... but I don't know why. "Uh, sorry, I'm just a little surprised you're here. What's up?"

She sits down beside me and then unveils a very extra necklace that I'm sure I recognise. "I was at Joshy's house last night and we found this under his bed. Be a dear and give it to Ella would you?"

She dangles it in front of me, making it reflect the sunlight right into my eyes. To avoid being blinded, I take it from her and place it on the table where it can't hurt anyone. "Oh uh... why don't you give it to her yourself?"

Jessica smirks. "I don't think that'd be wise if I'm honest. Well – is that Ethan?!"

I look up and Ethan's coming over with a very annoyed look on his face. He spots Jessica and immediately opens his arms out for a hug which she returns with a grin. They talk for a little bit before she waves at me and walks off. He sits down across from me and sighs loudly, staring at his phone screen with a crease between his brows.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks up at me, startled. "Oh, nothing." I give him a pointed look and once again he sighs. "My girlfriend's mad at me."

"What? What did you do?"

He hangs his head. "Remember when we all took a photo yesterday and I had my arm around your shoulder because you were falling off the seat?"

It takes me way too long to put two and two together. "Is she jealous? Of me?"

He shrugs. "Well, you're a pretty – you're a girl and I don't know, maybe she thinks something will happen?"

"But I don't even like you that much?" He puts a hand to his heart. "Oh stop it you know what I mean."

"She didn't like us hanging out, proposed we take a break. I told her we'll talk later."

I bite my bottom lip. "She sounds delightful."

Ethan actually laughs at this. "Trust me, Nicole's great but things have been really rocky since junior prom. We broke up once before getting back together in the summer before I came."

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