•11• Screwed

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"so you're telling me that you knew that there were other people in the other world, didn't tell me, and proceeded to talk to them like they were your middle school football team!?" You shouted, pacing back and forth in your bedroom. "Do you realize how fucking stupid that is!"

You snapped your head at Caser who was sitting on your bed like a kicked puppy. He was surely screwed. "I was only trying to help, and your not my mum so frick off" he mumbled and shuddered at your rising anger.

"Oh well damn, I'm sorry that mum is here when it's 12:00 and we're surrounded by monsters who want our flesh or whatever." "Phantoms" "what?" "The gang called those things phantoms, I for one think it's pretty sick."

Caser looked at the ground, his icy blue eyes hit with a sick gleam. "Heh, even after nine years and we barely know a thing about them." "Tch. It's not my fault I don't want to die. We both know there are more dangers beyond the respond point.

And I for one, am not going back out there." "That was pretty scary though." You both stayed still, recalling that specific night that would haunt your dreams more than others after you've already come back.


"WOOO HOOOOOO THIS IS SO MUCH FUNN!!!" You and Caser were 12 and 14 and you both were once again in the other realm.

He was driving, albeit very badly but it was still fun for you, who was half way out of the sun roof at the top of the car, waving your hands around as your hair blew away from your face which had a big smile on it. 

You both had stol- I mean, taken your parents car for the first time to explore the terrain around the other realm more quickly and safely, though it turned into more of a free drive instead.  As you both were laughing and shouting, the area around you got eerily quiet.

There were cars parked in random places if the road and there were random trees and boulders in the way, forcing Caser to slow down.  You looked around from the sun roof and it was clear that you weren't in your town anymore, or Canada for that matter.

It was....darker and there weren't any of those...things around anymore. You then felt a harsh chill run up your back as you looked behind you only to scream at the giant deformed beast that was making its way from the rocks from the left. 

Seeing this, Caser immediately drove around a few trees before circling back to retracing back to the way they came, banging up the car pretty roughly along the way.

They thankfully got it off their trail but. That night. They both made a silent agreement to never do that again.


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