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"Kim Taehyung", jungkook called the trueblood after a long glaring session as it seemed like the said male was having no intention to acknowledge his glares any moment. It was already lunch break that day and taehyung being the caring mate he is, dragged the bunny towards the rooftop and started feeding him with his own hands which looked nothing but skeptical for the young alpha who kept on glaring at him.

"Yes bunny?", taehyung responded as he fed a piece of meat to his alpha.

"What 'yes bunny'? Stop acting oblivious!",he rolled his eyes and tried to make his voice deeper but couldn't because of the mouthwatering meat which he couldn't stop munching.

"Hmm? I'm not?",he smiled as he took a spoonful of kimchi fried rice, ready to feed the angry bunny.

"He's so cute when he's angry! And the way he munches his food! Gosh! He's so adorable!",v gushed giddily to which taehyung couldn't help but smile fondly.

"And he's mine",he said dreamily and jungkook had enough.

"I know that you notice my glares! Don't think that you can escape from my wrath if you ignore my life threatening glares! Or by any chance, are you trying to insult me!?", jungkook pinched taehyung's thighs who yelped a little though the stupid smile never wavered.

"You were not admiring my handsome face?-

"Admiring my ass!

"Sure it is admirable too-

"KIM TAEHYUNG!",and there it is. The stupid smile which never left that dumb thing's handso- oops! Not so handsome face which infuriated jungkook to the core.

"Yes, bunny?", And jungkook reached his peak.

"UGH!! That's it! I'm going to tattoo a big ass poop picture on your face. Just you watch!", jungkook snarled as he tried to bite taehyung's fingers, who was laughing loudly while trying to dodge the attacks.

"What a cruel rabbit I've got here?",he snickered as he somehow managed to pin the bunny on the ground who was still glaring at him.

"You always do this to me!", jungkook grumbled as he tried to escape from the tight hold and glared when he heard the trueblood chuckle softly.

"I know that you're up to something big, you garbage truck. But I'm Jeon jungkook for a reason! I will never let you win at any cost! Mark my words!", jungkook snarled while taehyung was busy getting lost by those beautiful doe eyes which were glaring at him.

"You have beautiful eyes, rabbit. They literally twinkle, you know",he just muttered, unintentionally ignoring those cute warnings as he lowered a little before pecking those doe eyes, instantly switching on the heart rate of the bunny.

"W-what the- KIM TAEHYUNG!", The red faced jungkook shouted at the top of his lungs which only earned a fond chuckle from taehyung, making him pout in anger.

"I'm sorry, my rabbit. I couldn't help it", taehyung mumbled as he looked at him fondly and not gonna lie, jungkook kinda felt shy under that gaze.

"Don't forget to wait for me after your last class, yeah? We'll go to my house for the project", taehyung said, still looking at him lovingly.

If someone had told him that he'll look at jungkook like the way he looks now, they would've probably been in some hospital room, fighting for their life. That's for sure!

"Stop- stop looking at me like this!",he was brought out of whatever world he was in by jungkook who couldn't take his gaze any longer. He just wanted to run away from everything he was dealing with at the moment. More than anything,he was very much confused by the shyness he was experiencing whenever he was near taehyung, the utmost urge to submit himself under the trueblood and don't even talk about the internal pull he has towards the said male. And as a cherry on the top, he's liking every bit of this more than anything and that fact is irritating him to the core.

"Why did you even- Mr Lee was just- Why did you add my name in the list when no one in the world was interested in some dumb project competition! You literally sleep while drooling all over your face even in his normal classes for fucksake!",he whined before pushing taehyung off him.

"I know that you're gonna blame me for the blunder we're gonna do! I know it-

"Bunny listen to me-

"No! Go away! I suddenly wanna be alone-


"Go away, Kim! You just made me hate you even more!",and that took away the smile from taehyung's face.

"You… hate me?",he managed to ask with an emotionless stone-like face but deep down he just wanted to bury himself and cry out loud because it was the only thing he feared. Of Course he 'hated' the bunny in the beginning. But even then he had no intention to reject him as his mate. He always wanted a mate for himself whom he would treasure for his whole life and as a trueblood, that nature of his only increased as he aged older. Because, Trueblood's love, protectiveness and possessiveness for their mates will only be a dream for others and taehyung who was naturally a romantic guy made things even more intense for him.

"What do you think? Ofcourse I hate you just like you hate me! We're sworn enemies - taehyung?", jungkook stopped instantly when he saw the glum look on taehyung's face which is totally shocking because the taehyung he knew was a total bitch who only makes him sad!

"Taehyung? Are you alright?",he asked but gasped softly when he saw the slightly teary eyes of taehyung who instantly turned away.

"The lunch is already over, bunny. Let's go to our class or we'll be late",he just said as he got up, pulling the bewildered bunny from the floor.

"Taehyung -

"Let's go bunny",he turned around not to show his tears to the bunny.

"Shit! Why the hell am I tearing up? When the hell did I become this sensitive!?",he grumbled as he tried sending back the unshed tears.

"Hang in there, tae. Our baby didn't mean it. Didn't you see him getting worried for you when he saw ",V tried to console taehyung who sighed and pulled jungkook with him who looked a bit guilty for some unknown reason.

"Why does his sad face make me feel shitty? I only wanted to see him irritated because of me. I hate seeing him like this! This face… makes me… feel so sad",he pouted while his wolf whimpered sadly.

A short chapter for today because I really wanted to update as i promised. So please adjust this one time 🙂💃

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