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Olivia's POV

The bright light of the morning sun shines through the window of our shared bedroom as my Alarm goes off.

I climb out of bed and start on my vary scheduled morning routine. Grab clothes, take quick showers, brush her hair and teeth then back to the room to wait for Peter's 5th alarm to go off.

I was only waiting for a few minutes when the loud noise came from his phone. Peter ground rolling over to turn off the alarm, then snuggled further into his blanket, which was my sign to give my brother a little motivation.

I walked over to his bedside table and I grabbed something off it. "I'm going to paint your web shooters neon green... again."

With that Peter was up instantly. after taking back his shooters he started running around like he was late for school.

I watched him in confusion as he shoved papers into his bookbag, while also trying to locate his other shoe. It finally dawned on me.

"It's Saturday," I say to try to stop his freak out. he stopped in his tracks momentarily as he realized, and switched to throwing things into his newly retrieved suitcase.

I sat on my bed watching him run around grabbing clothes and smelling them before deeming them 'good enough' and stuffing them into the now very stuffed bag.

A knock at our door snapped me out of my trance.

Aunt may stood in the doorway with a small smile. "You kiddos almost ready? Happy said he would be here in half an hour." "almost. I just need to find where I put my notes for the new Hawkeye bow Mr. Stark and I are making." Peter's voice came slightly muffled as he was under his bed looking for said items. Aunt May gave a small chuckle as she turned to me for a response to the previous question.

I pointed to the Spiderman-themed suitcase that I packed the night before.

Time skip brought to you by this line __________

After saying our goodbyes to Aunt may, me and Peter climbed into Happy's car.

I like Happy. He picked us up and drove us straight to the skyscraper that my brother claims is the coolest place ever. The only noise he made was hums of acknowledgment as Peter went on and on about what he has been doing since they last saw each other. Which just so happened to be yesterday afternoon.

When we got to SI he walked us into the lobby. " Call if you need me." was all he said before he got back into the car to go park I presume.

The lobby was loud and there were people everywhere. It was overwhelming. I gripped onto the back of my brother's shirt for dear life as he led us to the front desk.

"Hi, Ms. Owens."

"Good morning Peter. and how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Vivian."

He smiled at her while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry, Ms. Ow~Vivian." He created himself as the woman behind the desk that I now know as Ms. Owens, who glared at him.

"Mr. Stark said that you would have an access card for us under the name Olivia Parker," Peter said, finally granting my silent plea to hurry up.

"Yes ~ um ~ oh, here it is a leave 10 red badge for one Olivia Parker. Is she your sister?" Ms.Owens asks as she tries to get a look at me from my hiding spot behind my brother.

"Yup! And I finally get to bring her with me to work, it's great!" Peter said already waving goodbye to his friend as he brought us to security.

Scanning his badge a disembodied voice spoke, making me jump. "Peter level 10 red. Welcome back, Peter. You are here early on a Saturday.- Would you like me to inform the boss you are here?"

"Hi Fri, yes Please!" my energetic brother responded. Why was the ceiling talking to my brother? And most importantly why did he respond? Pete took the badge that Ms. Owens gave us and swiped it as well. The Voice from the ceiling spoke once more.

"Olivia Parker, level 10 red. Welcome To Stark Industries Olivia. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Pete, who is that?" I whispered, clinging to his shirt a little tighter.

Peter burst out laughing. "That F.R.I.D.A.Y, Mr. Straks AI, she is throughout the whole tower. She is really cool and nice. And she always tells me when the food is ready"

we got on an elevator where Pete asked Friday to take us to the common room. The Elevator doors opened revealing a large living room with a kitchen to the side. There in the kitchen were the Avengers all looking towards us.

"Hi, guys!" Peter waved happily to the large group. I don't think I'm ready for what's to come these following months.

A/N) Yay, the second chapter is done!

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