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The quiet of our bedroom was peaceful and calming, as if all worries was left at the door. I flopped down onto the bed exhaling all of today's peopleling in one loud sigh.

"Ughhhh" I complained to myself. I still need to take a shower and get ready for bed. But that involves getting up.

It was a moment, but I dragged myself to the restroom doing all that I needed to get done. Than re-flopping onto the bed, crawling under the covers, and promptly have zero desire to go to sleep.

All in all I was eventually available to go to sleep (and I totally didn't give up 10 minutes in and get onto social media.)

All of a sudden the room grow dark. Really dark. As if someone cut the lights to the city. There was a wired noise in the corner of the room. It sounded like a heavy breathing. It started off quite, though the breathing became more stranded. I sit up in my bed keeping my eyes on the corner. But as I was about to turn on the lamp the shadows of the room merged into the Masked Shadow.

He crepes closer to me. "Olivia." he called, "did you truly belive that would be the end of our incounters? I still need your help to keep the Spider at bay. And I still havent repayed you for last time" I glance over Peter's empty bed. He must still be out on patrol. The Masked Shadow was even closer now.

I jump out of my bed, dashing to the door. Swinging it open I run down the hall. "Help, Mr. Stark, Mrs. Potts, Anyone?." A heart shuddering laugh came booming from behind me.

"You idiotic girl, you think your mommy and daddy will save you? They aren't even your parents. And the closest one to a mother left you hear, escaping to Africa."

I tripped over an invisible rock tumbling to the ground. He caught up in no time. He pinned me to the ground hovering over me. Whit one hand holding my wrist over my head and the other on my neck my breathing became strand. A ringing blaring in my ear. "Now it's time for you to be a good little bug trap and be of use.


I jolted out of bed grasping at my throat. My alarm was going off and my brother laid in his bed passed out.

It was all a dream? It was all a dream. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Turning off the alarm I start my day. After getting dressed in jeans and a T-shirt I head to the kitchen. The hall seamed to go on longer than usual. Though it looks different in the light of day as it did in my dream I still speed up a bit

Evreything was normal, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers were making breakfast. Ms. Romanoff was drinking her coffee at the island, and the other Avengers were not present.

I strided into the kitchen grabbing myself a cup of coffee, and taking a seat next to Ms. Romanoff.

"Good morning Kiddo." One of the super soldiers said. I waved towards them. I guess I zoned out because the next thing I registered was a hand being waved in front of my face. Said hand belonged to Peter, all of the residents of the tower was now in the kitchen eating breakfast

"Liv, you good? You have been blanking out since I got hear." My twin questioned. I nodded as my response, attempting to give a reassuring smile. I guess it worked as Peter sat next to me talking about patrol last night.

"The Masked Shadow showed up again." He announced. "He has been showing up a lot lately, he is becoming a pain in the as- butt" Mr. Stark was going to use a more colorful word though a quick not so passive reminder from Mrs. Potts had him change his vocabulary.

"He really has. Kind of annoying." Petter added as the boys talked last nights dream started replaying in my head.

"You ready to go Olivia? We have a lot of stuff to do." Ms. Maximoff asked. As Mrs. Potts handed me my new SI hoodie. I nodded once again hoping off of the bar stoll.

The four of us girls left the building for our outing. I scratched my arm, anxiously embarrassed they next few hours.

A/N) hello my people. Once again it's been a long month. With school only having a few weeks left I have final projects and stuff. As Well as a new pet. It's a baby Chick. I have had her for 3 weeks. She is absolutely adorable. Do you guys want a quick story and picture of said new pet?

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