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Mid Town has been up and running again for a month now, and life has been odd. flash has been on my tail all week, but he hasn't been messing with Peter, so I guess that's cool. The Masked Shadow has come back and is attacking Spider-Man almost every night. Peter tells me not to worry but when my Brother comes home with massive injuries not just his normal scratches, one tends to worry.

I've been training with Ms. Romanoff and I have been getting good. And there has been a lot of lead up to the reveal of me and Peter's existence in Mr. Stark's life. Mr. Stark says that it wouldn't be fun to just tell them, so we have been going outings of our choice. We dragged him to amusement parks, a pumpkin patch as it October now, as well as the since museum which we will never be doing again.


Right now I'm in the lab with Peter and his friends who have been over a lot.

"Remind me again why and what we are making?" I ask leaning on the work bench. "A new spidey tracker, the ones I have keep on getting distorted or out of range." Peter responded not even glancing up from the small device he is sodering together.

"The Masked Shadow has been causing us problems and we need to find where his villain base is." Ned add, also not looking up from his thing. He is on his laptop working on the code I presume.

"Which is still a horrible name" MJ contributed. She is on a bean bag in the corner on her phone. I'm not sure what she is doing.

"Ok and I'm hear why?"

Peter finally lifted his head to give me the look. You know the look one gives when you know what you are supposed to be doing yet ask anyway. Yeah that look. Sighin I pull up my phone and start contributing to the project.

Opening my laptop I start my research. Getting information from the internet. No new information came up. It was obvious he was hunting Spider-Man. But hear where a month of hanging out with black Widow comes in handy. Time to find out more.


Hours past and we where done. The tracker is finished and I have a list of thing on this dude, like what gear he is using and a general idea were he starts to show up.

Ned lend back in his chair and stretched his fingers "that went well." MJ just nodded her head in agreement. I close my laptop and collect my things. "Arn't you going to join us for a movie?" Peter asked with his puppy dog eyes.

All the times the spidey gang has come over to just hang out I make up an excuse on why I can't hangout, but I'm all out of excuses. It a Friday night, all my homework is complete and the project I've been working on with Mr. Stark was completed yesterday.

I let out a sigh "fine." Both Peter and Ned cheared at there victory while the four of us exited the lab. The boys started discussing what movie they are going to watch. "They act as if its a real question but they are going to end up waching Star Wars again." Me and MJ chulkaled a bit. "I just hope someone orders pizza. I'm hungry." "Its cool that you can join us this time."

We did in fact watch Star Wars a new hope. And Mr. Stark got us pizza and drinks. It was a good night.

After the movie Pete went out for patrol, and Ned and MJ went home. With the squad gone I make my way to the kitchen where Mrs. Potts, Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff are sitting having tea.

"Hey Dear. How was your day?" Mrs. Potts asked. As I took a seat on an unoccupied bar stoll. "Its been fine. Finished homework, did some stuff with the squad for Spiderman-ing, even watched a movie with them."

"Sounds fun. Doing anything tomorrow?" Ms. Maximoff asked with a smile that I don't quite trust. "Yes, why?"

Ms. Romanoff joined the party of untrustworthy smiles "us girls are doing a girls day tomorrow and thought we would drag you along." My face showed the answer of 'I would rather not' quite clearly.

"I would say that it's your choice, but considering it's us, it really isn't. And as a bonus we will be able to properly test run the hoodie Tony made for you. " Mrs. Potts gave me a small smile with a hint of pity.

"I guess I should head to bed then. It looks like I have a long day ahead if me." And with that I finally make my retreat to me and Peter's room calling it quits for the day.

A/N) hello pepoles. I have had a long couple of weeks. My

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