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Peter's POV

I was eating lunch with MJ and Ned when this guy crashed through the roof of the cafeteria and he definitely wasn't here for the food.

He is wearing all black with green highlights throughout his costume. His face was covered completely by what looked like a heavy-duty Halloween mask. Why would some dude target a school, what does this guy want?

Before I could figure out why a villain was attacking my school, the masked man spoke. "Where is Spider-Man? I know you're here little bug, it all lines up. And are you going to put all these kids at risk to protect your stupid identity?" Is this guy here for me? How, how did he find me? I have no time to think about this. There are people in danger, and one of those people is my sister.

I slide behind a counter and quickly put on my suit, stuffing my clothes into my backpack. I swing into the middle of the cafeteria facing the intruder, getting into a fighting possession. "Everyone get to safety." the dude started laughing in triumph. Totally not creepy at all. "So you came all this way to see little old me? I feel honored." I need to get this guy taken care of as fast as possible. He charged me with a punch to my gut. My spidey sense warmed me in time and I was able to doge, swinging around the attacker and kicking him in the head causing him to stumble.

"So mister Halloween in September, what are you doing here, if you are here to complain about the cafeteria food I can direct you to the principal." " I am the Masked Shadow. And isn't obvious, I'm here to kill you." he brought out a bo staff, for who knows where, and swings it into my chest, throwing me back into a wall.

"Well kill is a little far don't you think Masky? And while we are at it Masked Shadow? Really? I know that a lot of the cool names are taken but that's just lame." I recovered quickly and jumped back into the fight, landing a hit to his side. Before he had time to retaliate I shot my webs at him trying to tie him up. Key word trying. He pulled a knife out of his belt slicing my webs.

The fight continued for a good couple of minutes, both of us landing hits on the other. I was so caught up in the fight that I didn't notice my little sister sitting at her normal table in the corner like nothing was happening. That was until Shadow face spotted her and decided he needed a hostage.

It happened so fast, he ran towards her grabbing her from behind and holding her to him like a human shield. Olivia started screaming, but not in the way a hostage would normally do. She was hyperventilating, and from the look on her face she isn't registering the situation but more in a panic about the unforeseen touch of her attacker.

My brain is running a hundred mph at the moment. If he grabbed anyone else I would know what to do, but he grabbed Olivia.

"Let her go!" I yelled trying with all my might to not let the desperation show. Olivia was thrashing around. My sister was endangered.

The Masked Shadow's grip on her tightened as he yelled at her to stop her moving or he would hurt her more. I guess something in her head clicked because the next thing she did shocked me speechless. She dropped her weight making Masky bend down with her, swinging herself back up, the back of her head hit his face with a loud thwack. As he let go of her to hold his now bleeding nose she turned around and kicked him in the balls. She took off running.

I'm really glad that he was actually a he or that wouldn't have been as effective.

I regained my composure and tied up the Shadow Face while he was down. There were still some students in the cafeteria as they weren't able to get out. "You guys are lucky that I was getting a hot dog across the street when this guy showed up. Everyone, ok?" ok that was a lame excuse but after what just happened, my brain isn't working at its full capacity. Her movements screamed Black Widow, and I have never been more grateful to Aunty Nat in my inter life. I'll have to remember to thank her when we get back to the tower.

There was a round of thank you and other commits that spread through the cafeteria. I swung out of the hole in the ceiling caused by the villain, shouting out "Stay in school kids". I landed on the roof of the school, planning on just changing back into my clothes and rejoining my peers, saying I was one of the lucky ones, who got out. Here comes the problem. "My bag is still in the cafeteria!" I yell to myself facepalming. Ugh, this day couldn't get any worse. The universe took that as an open opportunity to prove me wrong. I heard a loud noise behind me and I whipped around to see what it was. There was a fricken helicopter overhead. A rope ladder dropped from its side of the aircraft landing into the open hole in the roof. Masked Shadow ascended as the ladder was being retracted back into the helicopter, "I will find out who you are, Spider-Man, and I will be your doom." just like that he disappeared into the sky.

A/N) well this was awful but oh well, it's a thing.

this is also the longest chapter so far and its only 950 words.

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