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Olivia's POV

I didn't join everyone for dinner. I know I should have but oh well. When F.R.I.D.A.Y called everyone to the table I made my way to the training room instead. Knowing that Mr. Stark or Peter would come and look for me in our room.

I actually like the training room to my surprise. It was large and quiet. All of the equipment scattered around the room gave me a sense of safety. All the workout equipment looked like a jungle gem just begging to be played with. Of course, I know that they weren't toys, but Black Widow said I could use anything when I felt like it as long as I was careful. So with that thought in mind, I made my way to the treadmill. Putting it at what I deceased was a casual jog, and started playing, I mean 'exercising'.

I don't know how long I was in the training room when Mr. Stark came down with a plate of pizza. "Hey Kid, you missed dinner, and what are you doing down here?" He asked as if he was actually shocked that I was in the training room.

"I'm avoiding people though it doesn't seem to work." I turned off the treadmill as Mr. Stark came closer sitting down on a bench that was 7 feet away.

"I get not wanting to spend time with the lamer Avengers, but resorting to training? If you ran out of things you enjoy you should have told me. I would have bought you something."

"I'm not training, I'm playing with the treadmill. Black Widow said I'm allowed to use any of the equipment as long as I'm being safe." I responded. taking a seat in front of him on the floor, resaving a questioning glance. "Whatever you say, kid." I could tell that he was hiding a chuckle though I'm not sure what he finds funny. "I brought you some food if you want it, there are drinks in the fridge over there." Mr. Stark pointed to the break area where there is a snack bar.

Mr. Stark sat there with me while I ate, not saying much though, He just watched me rocking back and forth on the ground while I enjoyed my pizza. I felt the atmosphere change, I'm not sure what, but it felt heavy and thoughtful as if I'm doing a quiz in school.

The silence of the training room became uncomfortable. I started silently snapping my fingers, so I could feel the noise but it wouldn't bother Mr. Stark.

Without warning, he broke the silence, and the same feeling as the teacher claiming the end of the allowed time on the quiz washed over me. Why does this feel like school? Am I supposed to be working on something?

"Have you ever heard of a sensory swing?"

umm ok, not the type of question I was thinking of but ok. "Um, yeah. There is one at the therapist I used to see, but I didn't like the material it was made out of. Why?" he didn't respond to me but instead called out for F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Friday pull up sensory swing research things, along with most common materials for them." He starts walking to the elevator while typing on a holographic keyboard that appeared on his arm.

He was halfway there when he looked at me over his shoulder. "You coming? We have work to do." to say I was confused was an understatement, but I got off my place on the floor anyway and followed my current guardian.

A/n) Hi peoples! I made a new chapter.

And ahhhhh there are more of you. I remember the excitement I felt when only 1 or 2 people were reading my story. Ughhh, my heart!

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