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The girls were all squished on the bench in the hallway, outside Sister Micheal's office once again. "So he's just going to pack in the priesthood, like completely?" Michelle sighed.

"Well he can't exactly do part time can he?" Erin rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"All because of us." Orla waves her lollipop round as Michelle smirks at her statement.

"Not all because of us. Well I mean a bit because of us." Erin's shrugs. "But mostly because it turns out he had a connection with the woman on till 5 at his local shop. Turns out to be Maeve's Mammy, Tara."

"PLEASE! Stop mentioning it! I've just had my breakfast."

"Tara joked that he was a borderline stalker." Michelle chuckled as Maeve groaned throwing her blazer over her face slouching further down in her seat.

"Can we talk about something else please?!" Maeve's muffled voice came from underneath her blazer.

"At least your ma was all right with Dog Piss Gate. I thought she was going to go fucking nuts!" Michelle changes the subject as asked as she turns to Erin.

"Let me put it this way. I have locked my mother in a cage designed by her own hand. Oh, she has been well and truly hoist by her own petard." Erin looked impressed with herself.

"Could you put it another way? I didn't understand a word of that."

"Me neither." Maeve's muffled from came from underneath her blazer again.

"I'm sort of blackmailing her."

"Oh happy days."

"How do you get away so easily with blackmailing your Mammy." Maeve sat up removing the blazer from her face. "Once Nutella ate a bird because she's a borderline pyschopath turns out it was someone's pet and my Mammy said not to tell anyone but I replied as long as she'd let me go on this school trip that she previously wasn't allowing me to go on."

"And?!" Michelle furrows her eyebrows at her friends long pause, waiting for the rest of the story.

"Oh I had a near death experience."

"You're so dramatic sometimes." Erin scoffed at her friend.

"Michelle vouch for me here."

"Tara's glares are like Medusa's!" Michelle stated quickly.

"Thank you!"

"How are you lot sitting there comfortable and talking about Tara's death glares." Clare whispered harshly. "How are even sitting comfortable?! It's all so mortifying!" She huffed.

"It'll all blow over soon." Michelle shrugs as James comes up to them and hands them a newspaper asking them if they've seen it already. The girls squished further together to look at the heading. The pictures of all them posing with massive letters above the picture reading 'Wicked Hoax'.

Clare starts mumbling to herself, groaning as she leans back, screwing her eyes hut in humiliation. Orla not really looking at the newspaper or taking any notice too busy eating her sweets. Erin looking horrified at it, James looking nervous, Michelle not seeming fazed. "Brilliant!" Maeve laughed before she received a glare from Erin.

"No, this is good. 'Wicked' means 'good' in England, doesn't it James?"

"But we're not in England, are we, Michelle?" Maeve smiles at Orla staring into space, obviously oblivious to what is going on around her.

"And my tits look amazing in that top!" Michelle adds as she nods proudly.

"They really do!" Maeve smiled back at her.

"Nawww thanks babe."

"No problem I was I had tits like yours!"

"I give up!" Erin sighed heavily throwing her arms up into the air.

"What's up with you?"

"We're about to go into a history exam that we've hardly revised for, we've committed a 'wicked hoax'." Erin quoted aggressively pointing to the newspaper. "And you two or complimenting Michelle's tits!"

"Its the important things in life that matter Erin." Maeve placed her hand on Erin's knee speaking in a sarcastic tone making Michelle snort also making Maeve laugh.

Just then the door opens as Sister Micheal calls them in Clare praying to herself, Orla still eating sweets as she walked in, Erin and James absolutely dreading it and at the back Michelle cupped her her hand round Maeve's boob comparing Maeve's boob to hers.

"Get off my boob you perv." Maeve smirked as she batted Michelle's hand away both giggling quietly as they walked into the room.

Until I found Her - Orla Mccool FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now