Day 1 - Wearing Each Other's Clothes

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Going to the saloon on a Friday night and drowning your sorrow in a few beers should be considered a type of therapy.
    Don't worry, you don't consider yourself an alcoholic by any means, but when crows peck away a good chunk of your crops, the mines have been even more full of monsters than usual, and you haven't slept more than four hours every day in the last week, you feel like you deserve a little bit of a break. Luckily, your friend, Elliott, had been more than happy to take you out for the night and also promised to keep himself sober to get you home safe. He truly is a great friend, and as the second newest person in Pelican Town behind yourself, you also feel good knowing that he relates to the struggles you're going through. Trying to start a completely different life in a new town is tough.
    You request another beer from Gus after you've drained your second one, already feeling the effects but wanting a little more to really force yourself to relax. Not enough to get you hungover in the morning (Yoba knows you don't need that on top of all your other problems) but enough to distract yourself from anything other than the fun you're having with Elliott. He is great company, after all.
    It's about twenty-five minutes later when you figure you've had enough, though. Sleep deprivation was on that list of problems, so right now, the most appealing thing to you would be to head home, crawl into your comfy sheets, and sleep until next week. Not like you actually could, but it's nice to dream.
    "Don't forget your coat," Elliott reminds you as you push your stool in and start heading toward the door. The sound of pounding rain on the windows reminds you of the storm going on outside, and while it's a bit too humid and hot to be wearing anything on your arms, you'd rather suffer in the heat than deal with the sheets of rain pouring from the skies outside.
    You stumbled over to the coat hooks on the wall of the saloon, where most of the patrons had left their jackets, and you awkwardly fumble through them until you find one that feels like yours. Yanking it out of the mass of coats, you start to put it on over your head, not even stopping to think about the fact that your jacket is a zip-up instead of a pullover.
    The coat is fully on over your head before your intoxicated brain realizes that it isn't even a coat at all; it's a hoodie. Dark purple and large enough that the sleeves fully cover your hands, right to the tips of your fingers.
    "This isn't mine," you say to yourself, but you still make no effort to remove the hoodie. It's warm, after all. And cozy. You like cozy.
    "I believe that's mine, actually." At first, you're not sure where the voice is coming from, but finally, you spot Sebastian—along with Sam and Abigail—standing over by the arcade machines. Sebastian is wearing a t-shirt, a sight you really aren't used to, but you suppose that the rain outside was probably enough to drench his hoodie and make him want to remove it upon entering the saloon.
    "Oh," is all you can manage to say at first. Then, "Oh!" as true realization sets in. "I am so sorry!" It's bad enough that you've mistakenly taken (and put on!) an article of clothing belonging to someone else, but it's even worse knowing that the sweater belongs to Sebastian, one of the residents of Pelican Town that you've interacted with the least.
   Luckily, Sebastian doesn't seem to care as much as you thought he might have, especially since this hoodie is basically his staple. He just stands there, watching with an amused smile, as you try in a drunken stupor to pull the hoodie back off.
"You know what," he says, after watching you try and fail to remove it for about twenty seconds straight. "Why don't you just keep it for now?"
You struggle to pull your head back through the neck of the hoodie, where you had gotten lost in the sea of it, and as soon as your eyes are exposed enough to let you see Sebastian, you ask, "Are you sure?"
Sebastian doesn't answer, but he turns to the coat hooks and rummages through the jackets for a second before pulling out yours. "This one belongs to you, right?"
You nod.
"Then how about I wear it for now, and we'll trade back when I see you next?" Sebastian tugs the coat on, grinning a little to himself when he sees that the sleeves are about an inch too short. Even so, it doesn't look bad on him, and he still seems amused by the situation, so you simply nod and he nods back in confirmation.
"I'm still sorry for taking your hoodie," you say. Alcohol may result in bad decisions, but it doesn't block out guilt.
Sebastian opens his mouth to respond, but Abigail interjects before he can. "Don't be sorry, (Y/N). Seb needed an excuse to get out of that thing for once, it's like a second skin for him."
Sebastian shoots Abigail a dirty look, but she defends herself by saying, "I'm right, you know!"
"She does have a point," adds Sam. Sebastian rolls his eyes.
"Whatever. I'm out of it now. At least until (Y/N) and I happen to bump into each other again." He turns his gaze to you and gives you a warm look. Not quite a smile, but still something almost fond.
You awkwardly flash him a thumbs-up.
C'mon, drunk (Y/N), even you should know better than that.
"We should be going before the storm gets even worse," says Elliott, taking a glance out the window at the sheets of rain hitting the street. "Are you all ready, (Y/N)?"
"Um, yeah, I think I am," you reply. Taking one last look at Sebastian, you mouth Thank you before turning and departing out into the rain with Elliott.


Flufftober 2022 - Sebastian x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora