Day 7 - Movie Marathon

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"You're telling me you have never seen Lord of the Rings?"

It's Friday night again, and you're at the saloon, playing pool with Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian. Honestly, you're not really sure how it happened. You were planning on coming to have a quiet drink with Elliott, but as soon as you had entered the saloon, you had been all but dragged over to the friend group's little hangout spot. They insisted that you spend your evening with them, and since Elliott was having a pleasant chat with Leah and didn't seem to mind your absence, you figured you might as well join them.

The conversation had somehow landed on movies, and when Sebastian said that The Lord of the Rings was one of his favourites, you confessed that you had never seen it.

"I guess I've just never gotten around to it," you admit. You feel like you've almost said something wrong, based on the appalled look on the trio's faces.

"That's unacceptable," says Sam. "Lord of the Rings is a cinematic masterpiece!"

"I have no doubts that it is, but I still just... never had the time to watch it."

Abigail's face suddenly lights up with a look of pure glee. "Right now!"


"Let's go watch them all right now!" Her eyes are bright with excitement, and she starts bouncing a little on the balls of their feet. "I still have the whole box set at my house from when Seb and I watched them a few years ago. They're the extended ones, too!"

"Aren't those movies, like, twelve hours long when you watch them all together?" you ask.

"Yeah, but it's a Friday! We're allowed to stay up all night if we want!"

Not like it being Friday matters much to me, I don't get days off, you think, but seeing how excited everyone has gotten at the idea of a movie marathon, you can't exactly say no now. You can pull one all-nighter to spend some time with your new friends.

The four of you leave the saloon together and head across the street to Pierre's shop, where Abigail unlocks the door and steps inside. Sam and Sebastian both enter before you, but Sebastian stays to hold the door open for you as you walk in behind him. You shoot him a smile as a thank you.

As you make your way through the store, Abigail grabs a few things off the shelves before she heads back to the house part of the building. When you look at everything piled in her arms, you realize she's snagged a bunch of chips, drinks, and chocolate, likely to enjoy during the movies.

Sam opens the door to Abigail's house for her since her hands are full, and he does her a favour by opening the door to her bedroom as well. She marches in and dumps everything in her arms onto the bed.

You, Sebastian, and Sam simply watch as Abigail finds the movies, puts the first disc into her PlayStation, and boots it up so she can put the movie on.

"You guys can sit down, you know," she says as she scrolls through the movie settings to put on subtitles. "I don't expect you to stand all night.

Sam shrugs and flops down onto Abigail's bed, where he wastes no time in grabbing one of the bags of chips and tearing into it. Seeing that Abby's bed is now half full of snacks and half full of Sam, you just sit down on the ground at the bottom of the bed, leaning against the frame for support. It seems that Abigail probably spends a lot of time gaming down here because there are a few cushions on the ground which make it a comfy seating area.

Sebastian grabs a bag of popcorn and a few chocolate bars before joining you on the floor, holding out one of the bars for you to take. He managed to pick your favourite one, somehow, so you don't even pretend to be polite as you take it from his hands and rip into it.

Abigail finally seems done setting up the movie, so she stands, shoves some of the snacks aside to make room on the bed, and presses play.

The movie turns out to be surprisingly good, and when Abigail puts on the second half of Fellowship of the Ring, you find yourself so invested that you're leaning forward slightly on your cushion. However, once you're partway through the first half of Two Towers, that's when you feel tiredness start to set in. It's already almost 3:00 in the morning, which is extremely late for you, and the series isn't even half over.

You can already hear Sam snoring lightly from his spot on the bed behind you, and the soft sound of him sleeping is making you even more tired. Before you know it, your eyes are drifting shut, and your consciousness fades.


Sebastian is so engrossed in the movie—it is one of his favourites, after all—that he barely even notices when a gentle weight presses into his shoulder. He glances away from the screen to see what's touched him, and he's a little shocked when it's you. Your eyes are shut and your chest is rhythmically rising and falling, which leads him to believe that you've fallen asleep.

He half considers waking you for a moment, but it is late, and your presence there isn't uncomfortable, so he figures he should grant you some rest (and save you from the embarrassment of knowing you fell asleep on his shoulder).

Letting himself relax again, and angling his shoulder downward slightly to make it easier on your neck, Sebastian returns his attention to the movie. He would never admit that he suddenly found it much harder to pay attention.


Flufftober 2022 - Sebastian x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ