Day 8 - Shooting Stars

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There are few places more relaxing to be than a mountain lake during sunset. Even though your reason for being there isn't the scenery and instead the fish that reside in said lake, it's hard not to be amazed at the view while you're waiting for a bite on your line.

It's been a pretty quiet evening in terms of fish, actually. You've managed to catch a few carp and a largemouth bass, but nothing much else to show for the two and a half hours you've been up here. Still, you've been working so hard lately that a calm night on the side of a lake isn't something you want to complain about.

You catch a bullhead in the next hour, and by then, stars have started to dot the sky which is now an inky blue. Another half hour plus another carp, and the black sky is completely covered with stars. Back when you lived in the city you'd be lucky if you saw more than a dozen stars a night, but right now, in rural Stardew Valley, the sky is almost white. You can see the milky colour of far-off galaxies, and more constellations than you could ever hope to name, not to mention the addition of a perfect full moon. It's breathtaking.

You put down your fishing rod, figuring that you've caught enough for tonight. After all, why would you want to miss out on a view like this? You can fish whenever you want, but a cloudless night like this one doesn't come all that often. And even though it's almost 10:00 already, you're not particularly tired, so you lower yourself to the ground and rest on your back, giving you a perfect view of the stars.

A creak draws your attention, so you turn your head towards Robin's house and spot Sebastian, his purple-tinted locks just barely peeking out from around the corner of the front door. He steps outside carefully, turning and shutting the door with one hand on the knob and the other pressed gently into the side to ensure it closes quietly. He looks relieved for a moment, and that's when he turns and sees you, his eyebrows rising in surprise but a smile forming on his lips a moment after.

He approaches you, stepping softly so that his shoes don't crunch loudly on the loose rocks scattered in the dirt. When he's close enough, he says, "I didn't expect to see you out here," with a voice quiet but loud enough for you to hear.

"I was fishing," you reply, tilting your head in the direction of your fishing pole, which is laying in the grass beside you. "But the stars looked so pretty that I wanted to stay a while."

"That's why I came out too," says Sebastian. He's close enough now that he's standing right above you, but it only takes a moment for him to bend down and lay next to you, his head angled up towards the sky as well. "I heard there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight."

"Doesn't quite explain why you were sneaking out of your house like a ninja," you tease. Sebastian lets out a single chuckle.

"My mom is a light sleeper," he explains. "And trust me, she's a grump when she's woken up in the middle of the night."

"Can't exactly blame her, Robin's a hard-working lady."

"Can't argue with that."

Silence falls after that, and you aren't sure if you should try and fill it or if you should just leave it be, but luckily, you don't need to decide because as you're watching the sky, you see a stream of white streak across it, followed by half a dozen more.

"Told you there was a meteor shower," whispers Sebastian. "I almost thought we wouldn't be lucky enough to see it. I've never had the chance to before."

"It's beautiful," you whisper back. "I've never even seen this many stars, let alone something like this."

You go silent for a minute, trying to absorb as much of what you're seeing into your memory as you can. It's truly something that can only be described as stunning. Almost beyond words.

"Are these the kind of shooting stars I can wish on?" you ask.

"I don't think there are any rules in the wish-granting guide against it."

You pick one of the meteors in the sky and close your eyes, trying to think of something to wish for. But in your mind, right now, you don't really want anything. A moment like this is pure and amazing and you don't need anything more perfect.

You open your eyes and turn to Sebastian so you can ask him what he'll wish for, but when you turn to look at him, he's not looking at the sky as you expected. He's looking at you. There's an expression on his face that you can't quite read, which isn't unusual for Sebastian. He isn't smiling, but his eyes look almost curious, and he's looking at you in a way that feels like he's studying you.

To ease the tension that's coming with being stared at, you offer him a soft smile, which seemingly snaps him out of his trance. You're almost convinced that his cheeks have turned a slight shade of pink, but he shoots his head back towards the sky before you can tell for sure.

Neither of you speak again after that, but you don't need to. Just the presence of another person is enough to keep you content, and the view above you is too pretty to look away from. Even when a chill starts to form in the air, or clouds start to drift in, you can't bring yourself to leave.

But it's not like you want to, anyway.


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