Day 11 - Poetry, Art, Music, Craft

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"Do you like music?"

You, Sebastian, and Sam are outside of Sam's house, hanging out in the grass next to the town's river. Well, you and Sebastian are in the grass. Sam is on his skateboard, practicing some moves in deep concentration.

"Come again?" You had been pretty focused on Sam, so Sebastian's sudden voice hadn't quite broken through into your head.

"I asked if you like music," Sebastian repeats. He's kicking at the dirt with the toe of his converse, tapping a small beat on his thigh with his fingers. You're a little surprised how your brain seems to take in his every movement without even trying to.

"Well, I suppose I do," you answer. "I just don't listen to as much as I used to. The farm keeps me too busy to think about it much."

Sebastian pauses, but it does seem like he has something he wants to say. After taking a look at Sam and realizing that his friend is way too focused on his skateboard to be listening to your conversation, he finally says, "I wrote a song. I was hoping maybe I could get your opinion on it."

Sebastian writes songs? The thought of it shocks you a little at first, but after thinking about it for a second, it does make sense. Sebastian feels like that edgy kid who sits in the back of the class and writes really melancholy and deep poetry, and songs are just poetry to a tune.

"If you want, I'd be happy to listen to it," you say with a smile. On the inside, you're even more excited than you're letting on. The idea of hearing something Sebastian created is extremely intriguing, but he doesn't need to know that. "Do you have it recorded?"

"Well, actually," he starts, the tone of his voice a little shyer. "I was hoping you could come by at some point so I could play it for you live."

"Oh." The idea of going over to Sebastian's house just to listen to him perform a song for you makes you feel way more nervous. But still, you'd be doing him a favour, and you are curious... "Yeah, that's no problem. After dinner?"

"That works. Thanks, (Y/N)."

You're still a little nervous, but you swallow the lump in your throat and reply, "No problem!" This will be the first time you've really hung out with Sebastian alone, at least on purpose. Even when you went into Pierre's together, or when you talked outside of the Mines, those were just happenstance. This time he wants to see you. Will that make it more awkward?

Oh well. Too late to change your mind now.


That evening, around 7:00, you leave your farm and head up the mountain path to Sebastian's house. You're still a little nervous, but hey, Sebastian is the one who invited you. He wants your input. There's not much to be nervous about.

It's a pretty short walk, thanks to the direct route behind your farm, and you soon find yourself knocking on Robin's door. It isn't even three seconds before Sebastian answers it. Was he waiting for you?

"Hey," he says simply. "Come on in, don't worry about your shoes."

You step inside the house, feeling a little awkward but comforted by Sebastian's relaxed demeanor. He wastes no time leading you down to the basement, shutting the door behind you when you enter.

"I hope you don't mind the door being closed, I just don't want Mom to hear," he says. His cheeks then flush a little, and he quickly adds, "The music, I mean."

"I know," you reply with a laugh. "You're sure you're comfortable with sharing?"

"I guess so. I do want input, after all." Sebastian walks to the other side of the room, where a cheap-looking keyboard is plugged in against the wall. He turns it on and presses a few keys, adjusting the volume. It does sound nice, regardless of how flimsy it appears. "I got this second-hand from someone in Zuzu City. It's a little old, but it works fine all the same."

Sebastian glances back and sees you still standing by the door, so he says, "You're allowed to sit down, you know." You nod and awkwardly sit on the couch next to his computer desk, and he looks a little happier after that.

"Alright, um, I hope this isn't too bad. Don't be afraid to be mean, okay?" Sebastian cracks his knuckles before placing his long fingers on the keyboard, then gently starts to play. It's slow and soft, and quite beautiful.

Then, he starts to sing.

Oh my fucking Yoba.

His voice is amazing. Honestly, it's not even because he's a good singer, since his voice isn't anything remarkable. But hearing Sebastian's low voice, usually so husky from his cigarettes, singing something gentle and so full of soul is enough to make your jaw drop. You really didn't expect to hear him sing.

The lyrics are mostly what you expected from Sebastian, isolated and full of feelings, but it's not all depressing. Most of the song is about how the singer (Sebastian, you suppose) feels alone and out of place, like a stranger in his own life, but then he meets someone who shows him that he doesn't have to be misunderstood. It's full of poetic language but is still easy to understand, and even though it's not perfect, it's an amazing song for someone who seems pretty new to writing his own music.

When Sebastian finishes, he doesn't turn around right away, but you can see that his chest is rising and falling. Not only that, but his hands are quivering slightly, like performing that took a lot out of him.

You don't say anything until he turns to look at you, seeming almost nervous. "What did you think...?"

"I... just... wow," you say. Your brain can't pull itself together enough to say anything more coherent.

"So that's... good?"

"Amazing," you finally manage to spit out. "I mean it. That was wonderful, you're incredibly talented!"

Sebastian's cheeks turn a bright shade of red before he can turn enough to hide them, and he coughs out, "T-Thank you. I appreciate the input."

"If you ever write anything else, I'd love to hear it. You earned yourself your first fan today!" The more positive you speak, the more embarrassed Sebastian seemingly becomes, but he looks like he's happy anyway. "I'm glad you felt like you could trust me with this."

Sebastian sighs. "Abigail and Sam are great, don't get me wrong, but they wouldn't understand what something like this means to me. But you feel... well, different. Like you get me a little better than they do."

"I... Thank you."

"No, thank you." Sebastian's mouth quirks up into a smile, which makes the moment a little less deep but also a little less awkward. "I'm glad you let me subject you to my terrible music."

"It wasn't terrible," you scold. "Actually, can I ask you a favour, if you're comfortable...?"

"Ask away."

"Would you be able to record it and send it to me?"

Sebastian considers for a moment, but then he says, "Yeah, sure. Let me give you my number and I'll send you a video later."

You stand and give your phone to Sebastian so he can put his contact info in, and when he gives it back, you notice that he's named himself "Seb" with a little frog emoji next to his name. It's goofy, you wouldn't have expected that.

"Alright, thanks," you say when he hands the phone back. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You don't have to rush out," replies Sebastian. "I mean, unless you have somewhere else to be, I don't mind if you stay a while."

"I'd like to."

Sebastian's smile grows. It makes every ounce of awkwardness worth it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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