Day 5 - "Oh no, you're a Morning Person!"

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You have no idea how a peaceful place like Pelican Town could have such dangerous mines just on the edge of the community.

You've only been in there for three hours, and yet you can already feel yourself on the verge of passing out. This isn't your first time in the mines, but the deeper you go, the darker and more dangerous they get. You don't want to give up so early in the day (it's only 9:30, after all), but you fear that staying any longer might just knock you out.

Still, it wasn't a completely pointless trip. Looking into the backpack you have slung around your shoulders reveals a bounty of gems and useful metals that will certainly come in handy.

One thing, in particular, does stand out to you, though. An icy blue gem in the shape of a teardrop. It's freezing to the touch, way colder than any of the other minerals in your bag, and it has this mesmerizing aura to it.

For some reason, it reminds you of Sebastian.

Maybe he would like something like this, you think to yourself as you step into the mine's elevator and feel it start to ascend. Would it be weird to give him a gift at this stage in our relationship? I don't even know if we're friends, it does feel a little weird.

Still, you don't have a use for the gem yourself, and something tells you that Sebastian is going to really like it. Might as well give it to someone who may appreciate it.

The elevator shudders as it stops at the entrance to the mines, so you carefully step out and exit the cave into the lovely Summer weather. The heat of the sun feels nice on your skin after being in those dingy caverns, and you take a second to pause and just breathe in the nice, fresh air. It's hard to argue that Summer is one of the nicer seasons.

Making your way down the mountain path, it only takes a few short minutes before you're at Robin's. When you let yourself in through the front door, she immediately greets you with a, "Hey, farmer!"

"Good morning, Robin," you reply politely. After everything Robin has done for you, you have taken quite a liking to her. She has to be one of your favourite residents of Pelican Town (even if her husband can be a little... well, let's just say that it's obvious he has his favourite people).

"What can I do for you this morning?" Robin asks. "I'm free as a bird for the next week if you'll need something built. Plus, I've honestly been aching to use my construction muscles again." She stretches her arms out in front of her, cracking her knuckles with a broad grin. You almost feel bad that you didn't come here to request anything of Robin.

"Actually, I'm just here for Sebastian, is he home?"

Robin's grin doesn't waver, but she rolls her eyes playfully as she says, "He's always home. You're welcome to head down to his room, it's in the basement."

You nod, thank Robin, and turn to head a little deeper into the house, where you quickly find a staircase and start to descend. Even a few stairs are pretty hard on your legs after your tough morning in the mines, but it's nothing that a farmer can't handle. It's not like you aren't used to hard work.

You're greeted with a door when you get to the bottom of the staircase, and not just wanting to barge in, you knock lightly and wait for an answer. Silence. You knock again, a little louder this time, and from within you hear a loud groan and then a groggy voice says, "Come in."

You enter the room and gingerly peek your head around the corner, and the first thing you see is Sebastian, still buried under the covers of his bed. You check your watch, which reveals that it's almost 10:00 at this point. How the hell is he still basically asleep???

Sebastian rolls over so that you can see his dark eyes peeking out from the space between his pillow and his blanket, and they squint before widening slightly at the sight of you. "You're not my mother."

"I'm afraid I'm not," you reply. "But I did, um... well, I brought you something."

Sebastian's eyes fill with curiosity as he lifts himself up and props his arm underneath him so that he's half sitting. You figure that's as "out of bed" as you're going to get him, so you take the invitation to come further into the room since it doesn't look like he'll be coming to you.

When you get closer to Sebastian, you remove your backpack from around your shoulders and dig through it until your fingers make contact with that ice-cold gem from the mines. The sharp tip pricks your finger when you wrap your hand around it to pull it out.

As soon as you've removed the gem from the bag and opened your hand to reveal it to Sebastian, his face morphs into something of absolute shock and wonderment.

"It seemed like something you would enjoy," you say, thrusting your hand forward a little further to prompt Sebastian into taking the gem. He hesitates, but reaches out and removes it from your grasp. A shiver runs down his body when he makes contact.

"This is a frozen tear," he says, turning the gem over in his hand to examine every inch of it. "They're incredibly rare, where the hell did you find this?"

"In the mines under the town. I was just there this morning, I found that stowed away in a crate somewhere."

"You were in the mines this morning?" Sebastian's voice is filled with something almost like disbelief. "It's dangerous down there, how did you manage to go so early?"

"Coffee helps," you admit. "Plus, I'm always up that early. It's my job, y'know?"

Sebastian chuckles. "Can't say I know how you do it." He looks down at his body, still wrapped in blankets, with an expression of shame. "Most mornings I don't even know why I should bother getting out of bed."

"Well, there's a whole world to see, isn't there? I don't see why I should waste time sleeping when I could be out, experiencing things." You gesture to the frozen tear still clutched in Sebastian's hand. "Plus, I wouldn't have found that if I had decided to stay in bed."

Sebastian's eyes travel down to the gem, and a small smile forms on his lips. It's one of the first times you've ever actually seen him smile, and you can't say that it isn't a beautiful sight.

"Thank you," he says finally after a minute of silence. "It was nice of you to think of me."

"If it's something I think you'd enjoy, I'd rather you have it than it just be sitting in a chest back at my house," you answer, "so there's no need to thank me. I was more than happy to give it to you."

Sebastian clutches the gem a little tighter in his hand, the smile still present on his face. You wish you could take a snapshot of this moment, seeing him so happy like this. It isn't like he's the most depressed or negative person in town, but it's so rare that you see him genuinely happy, except for when you catch him at the saloon on Friday nights playing pool with Abby and Sam. But knowing that it's you who made him smile, especially. That feels incredible.

"I should probably get out of your hair," you say, checking your watch to reveal that it's already after 10:00. "I'm glad you enjoyed the gift."

"Right, yeah, thanks again," Sebastian says. "I'll see you around, okay?"

"Okay." You shoot Sebastian a grin, which he returns with a very slight upturn of his lips, and then you leave his room, feeling like nothing in the world could bring your mood down.


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