Day 4 - Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies

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Garbage... garbage... aha, banana peel. That's something you could use.

It's 6:30 in the morning and you're standing outside of George and Evenlyn's house, lightly rummaging through their trash to try and find things you can use on your farm. Fertilizers are damn expensive, and you're in no rush to support Pierre again after he took credit for your work. But the people in this town throw out so many things that you could use for your crops, and it really would be a shame to let it all go to waste, wouldn't it?

You tuck the banana peel into the mesh bag you brought with you, then start picking through the trash again, looking for anything you can compost. Some mornings, you'll come home with more stuff than you can carry, some mornings you'll be empty-handed, but you seem to be doing pretty well now.

You're also thankful that it's so early in the morning. People in Pelican Town usually don't take too kindly to—

"Hey, uh, (Y/N)? What are you doing?"

Your head darts up, only to be greeted by one of the last people you'd want to see right now: Sebastian. You two had been pretty friendly after he had helped you out at Pierre's, but this was surely going to ruin whatever nice image of you he had in his head.

"Oh, I, um..." You desperately wrack your mind for an excuse. Anything. But unfortunately, improv has never been one of your strengths, so instead, you just gape at Sebastian, opening and closing your mouth wordlessly.

Sebastian's eyes travel down to the bag hooked around your elbow, where inside, there's a collection of fruit peels and bread crusts. He looks back at your face, where you manage to stammer out a one-word answer of, "Fertilizer."

His eyebrows raise ever so slightly as his eyes return to your bag, then over to the trashcan you had been sifting through. It looks like gears are turning in his head, but eventually, he says, "Actually, this is pretty great. Might as well use all of this stuff instead of throwing it out, right?"

"R-Right," you reply, honestly shocked that he hasn't turned up his nose at you and left yet. "My plants need it more than the trashcans do. I know it's kind of disgusting, but since I've started doing it, I really have noticed a difference in the quality of my crops."

Sebastian nods. "I can't argue that it isn't exactly... appealing. But I don't see any issues with it either, especially since it helps your farm."

You smile, grateful at least that Sebastian isn't completely grossed out by you right now. Still, you don't exactly feel in the mood to rifle through trash while he's watching you, so you put the lid back over the trash can and accept that you're finished for the day.

"What are you doing up this early, anyway?" you ask. "Most of the town is still asleep around now, that's why I try to get out at this time."

"Oh, I didn't actually go to bed last night," Sebastian admits. "I had a project I needed to finish and I guess I just... lost track of time. But I figured I'd go for a walk before anybody is up so I can get the most out of the morning."

"Well, sorry to throw a wrench in your people-avoiding plan," you say with a chuckle. "I am usually up this early, but I typically stay on the farm for the first few hours after I wake up, so I guess today is just your unlucky day, huh?"

"Nah, not at all. I'm actually glad that it was you I ran into," he replies. "Your company is more tolerable than most other people's."

Coming from Sebastian, that was a glowing compliment.

You check your watch for the time (6:45, now) and realize that if you want to get all of your farm chores done before the sun is too hot, you should probably get going now. You inform Sebastian and he answers with a nod.

"Sure thing. I hope to see you around, (Y/N)," he says. With a short, one-motion wave, he turns and heads off toward the beach. You smile a little, adjust the mesh bag around your arm, and head in the opposite direction, back to the farm.


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