Day 10 - Love Language

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It's Friday night again. The first Friday of the fall, actually. And where are you? Playing games with Sam, Abby, and Sebastian, of course.

Sam and Sebastian are playing pool while you and Abigail are on the Journey of the Prairie King arcade machine. You had gotten to level four so far and are still going strong. Even though Abigail is carrying your team—video games have never really been your strong suit—the two of you still work well together.

"Do you think I could ask you something?" you ask, slamming your finger into the button on the arcade machine to kill an approaching enemy. Sparing a glance back at the two boys, you're relieved to see that neither of them had heard you. You only want Abigail to hear this.

"Go right ahead," she replies as she jerks her joystick around, dodging bullets that are swarming the two of you from all directions. She really is good at this game, you figure it would take you dozens of hours to be able to move so fluidly like that.

"Well, I was just wondering about Sebastian," you start. You've lowered your voice even more at this point, hoping that the 8-bit sounds of gunfire and the clinks of the pool balls behind you will be enough to silence your words to anyone outside of Abigail. "I've never really seen him show affection or anything like that, even with you guys. Is there a reason why?"

Abigail purses her lips a little, obviously thinking about how to phrase her response. "Well, Seb just isn't the type to show how he feels. Sam and I know that he cares about us, even though he doesn't say it. It's just how he is." She laughs a little. "I can't say I understand it, but we love him anyway. Some people just aren't comfortable with showing their emotions much."

You nod. "Okay. I didn't know if there was a specific reason or not, and I guess I got curious."

"Don't sweat it. Sebastian is certainly a different type of friend, but he's still one of the best people I've ever met." Abigail glances away from the screen for a second to look back at Sebastian. He's watching Sam with an amused expression, smiling as his friend tries and utterly fails to hit one of his balls into the corner pocket he was aiming for. Looking at the pool table shows that Sebastian is winning by a mile.

"He's lucky to have you. He's seemed a little happier since you started hanging out with us," says Abigail. "Sam and I do care about him, but it's nice seeing him connect with someone outside of us. He's always been so reserved that I think you're doing a lot of good for him."

Your cheeks start to warm, and you suddenly feel very bashful. "I'm glad to hear you think that."

"And you're a great friend for us, too," adds Abigail. She leans over and playfully bumps her shoulder against yours. "It's been a long time since we've had anyone new to hang around with, and it's great getting to know you. Plus, having another girl in the group is awesome." She shoots you a cheerful grin and you return it. It does feel nice to know that even in a short time, you've had a small impact on this group.

Unfortunately, you were looking away from the screen for too long, and the flash of "Game Over" text diverts your attention back to the arcade machine. "Ah, fuck."

"It's alright, we weren't that far in yet," you say. "Next Friday we'll try again?"

Abigail checks her phone, frowning a little when she sees the time. "Yeah, it's late. Next Friday though."

You turn away from the screen and spot Sebastian, whose attention is on you. His eyes dart to the "Game Over" screen, then back to you, and he gives you a mock disappointed look, shaking his head and pursing his lips ever so slightly. However, the twinkle in his eye makes it quite difficult to take him seriously. You can't help but giggle a little.


The next morning, when you're outside hoeing ground for your new crops, you're decently surprised when you hear a knock from behind you. You look up, wiping sweat from your brow with your forearm, and see Sebastian standing over by the corner of your little house, his fist curled next to the wooden siding which is probably what he knocked on. His other hand is at his side, and he's holding a canvas shopping bag.

"What are you doing here?" you ask, dropping your hoe and wiping some dirt off your arms before making your way over to Sebastian. "It's pretty early to see you out of bed, let alone outside."

Sebastian gives you a dirty look, but then he diverts his attention to the bag at his side, reaching into it and pulling out a box. It appears that there are two or three others still in the bag.

"I know that the beginnings of seasons are the hardest for your farm, and I figure you've been pretty busy trying to get your crops together and taking care of your animals, so I figured I could do you a favour and pick you up some fertilizer."

He... what?

You don't know what to say, so instead, you quietly reach out and take the box of fertilizer. It isn't cheap stuff, either. He must have spent a decent amount to get it for you.

"T-Thank you," you say finally, realizing it's probably what you should have said in the first place. "I'll, um... I'll pay you back."

"You don't have to," replies Sebastian. "It wasn't all that much. Consider it a favour for the frozen tear you gave me."

You had almost forgotten about the frozen tear. It had been about two months since you gave it to him, and you were honestly surprised that he still even thought about it. Did he like it that much?

"Well, again, thank you..." you say. Sebastian holds out the bag with the rest of the fertilizer and you gingerly take it, still feeling bad but also swelling with gratitude that he would do something nice for you like that. "I'll bring you something from my first harvest if you'd like."

"Deal." Sebastian glances around the farm, his eyes focusing first on your crops, then on your coop and your barn, then on the mess of trees and rocks that still take up most of the lower half. You've managed to clear a good chunk of the land, but it's hard to keep up with the growing weeds and trees that seem to spring up overnight. "And hey, if you ever need any help with anything here, all you need to do is ask. I'm not the strongest or anything, but I could water the plants or feed the animals if it would help you out."

"You're very generous," you laugh. "But I'll let you know. I do appreciate the offer."

"Anytime." You hear the sound of Sebastian's phone ding, and when he takes it out of his pocket and looks at it, he groans. "Sorry (Y/N), I've got to head out. I have a project that needs finishing by tonight."

"No problem. Thank you again for the fertilizer."

"Just happy I could help." With one final look that's almost like a smile, Sebastian turns and heads back the way he came, out towards the town. And as you watch him go, you glow with happiness, realizing that you just saw a shining example of how Sebastian really cares for people. 


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