~When they knew they loved you~

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Finney- When you stood up to his dad after he hit Gwen. You told him off before getting Gwen some ice and walking off to his room with them. He loved how you basically thought of Gwen as your own sister and took care of her when he wasn't around.

Robin- When you fought another girl (or Moose) for shit talking him. He loved how after you fucked her (or him) up, you said "And don't you ever talk about Robin like that again. And if I ever find out you did.. things won't end up good for you."

Vance- When you weren't mad at him for going to jail for like... the third time that week. When he heard your calm and caring voice on the other side of the phone telling him it would be okay and you'd get him out as soon as you could.. He fell so hard, he smiled and said "Thank you"

Bruce- When he always sees you on the bleachers at his games. You've never missed one ever since you met him, you even come when you're sick. And everytime he sees you cheering for him, his heart melts.

Griffin- When you punched one of his bullies in the face and then asked if he (Griffin, not the bully) was okay. He loves that you always check if he's ok and that you protect him. Even when he says it isn't necessary.

Billy- When you helped him find Rover (his dog) the one time he got lost. You didn't stop looking, even when Billy said you could finish in the morning. Y'all found Rover that same day, thanks to you not stopping. He will always love you for it.

Donna- When you got jealous she was Finney's science partner instead of yours. Everytime you said something passive aggressive about him being her partner. Or when you purposely bumped shoulders with Finney acting like he wasn't there, she would giggle. She found it funny how such a little thing made you jealous, and she loves that about you.

Gwen- When you grabbed her dad's wrist when he went to hit her with the belt. She was starstruck, she was surprised someone stood up to her dad. She was even more surprised when you told her dad, "If I EVER and I mean EVER see you try to lay a finger on her again.. I'll tell my dad what you've been doing and get you locked up for the rest of your pathetic life." When you left, her dad didn't try to hit her or anything. Not even Finney. She loved you for saving her like a knight in shining armor


Mason- When you told of some paparazzi when they were bugging him. You both were out shopping when a random group of paparazzi came up to you guys. You could tell he was uncomfortable and yelled, "I get this is your job and stuff, but respectfully, fuck off!" And walked away after flipping them off. He fell so damn hard after that.

Miguel- When a girl kept flirting with him and you walked up, pretending to be his partner. She looked so embarrassed and mad. When you looked at her you asked,"Babe, who's this? Some fangirl?" And after she stormed off, you kissed his cheek and smiled at him. He would've proposed to you then and there if he could.

Brady- When you randomly remember small stuff about him that no one else does. He loves when you randomly will go somewhere and you'll order for him 'cause he always gets that or if you remember to get him his favorite Boba or coffee. Or if you get him a small gift (ring, necklace, ect.) that matches something you have. He adores it and you.

Tristan- When you told off an interviewer for asking inappropriate questions (like what happened with Finn Wolfhard when the guy said he was born with the greatest p0rn name or whatever). The interviewer kept asking if he lost his virginity yet, if he ever hooked up with someone, if he's dating anyone, ect. Basically really personal and disgusting questions. You were sitting closest to the guy's desk so you slammed your fist on it and said in a very disgusted tone, "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?! He's a fucking minor!! Whoever he's hooked up with or kissed, or made out with is none of your damn business!! This interview is over, have a terrible fucking day." Then you grabbed his hand and left the studio. He loved you for defending him.

Banks- When y'all were at a coffee/boba shop and you accidentally ordered for him. No one really can remember what he gets because he doesn't get boba/coffee often. He was smiling and blushing so much when that happened and you were so embarrassing. The poor waitress had to ask him to make sure and he was a stuttering MESS "Y-yeah.. I-I want what t-they s-said.." He was so flustered and embarrassed.

Jacob- When you gave him attention on set when no one else did. Since he had little screen time, not many people paid attention to him. Except you. You always talked to him, said good morning, and basically acknowledged he was there and not like he was a ghost. He loves getting attention from you, no matter what kind.

Rebecca- When you help her with her hair. Sometimes when she doesn't know what to do with her hair, you'll do it for her and it always looks amazing. Spending so much time together, she eventually developed feelings and now she always loves when you do her hair.

Madeleine- When you bring her coffee on set. Everytime you came on set, you brought coffee for her and you. Sometimes you shared one, sometimes you both had your own. She always loved how you considered her too and not just getting it for yourself. She developed a crush over like.. 5-6 months.

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