~When You Flinch During An Argument~

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Requested by: hahayoulost

Finney- Panicking. He raised his hand to push the hair out of his face, and then he noticed you flinch and back up a little.. He got scared he was turning into his father. He was disappointed in himself that he made you think he would ever hit you (which he wouldn't!!). He took a second to breath then walked up to you calmly to ask if you were okay, and possibly give you a hug (if you want one)
"I.. I am so sorry, Y/n. I would never hit you, I don't even want you to think I would.. It is my fault for getting so angry and letting it get to that point. I am truly sorry."

Robin- Worried. He was moving his hands while talking and threw his arms/hands up in the air and you flinched really hard. He became really worried that something is happening at home. He stepped away from you, trying to make you a bit less scared, he hated that you thought he was gonna hit you. After a few minutes of silence, he slowly walked up to you and slowly wrapped his arms around you in a hug. He didn't want to force you into the hug, so he gave you plenty of opportunities to push him away, and he surely apologized a million times.
"Y/n, I am so sorry.. I don't want you to ever think I'd hit you. Please forgive me, it doesn't matter when, I just really don't want you to be scared of me. Please, please forgive me..?"

Vance- Genuinely scared. He kept getting louder and closer to you until you were backed against the wall, he raised his hand to put in on the wall and corner you but he noticed you flinch really hard and try to back closer to the wall. He took a second to realize what was happening and backed up really fast, he was becoming his father. He looked at his hands in fear, he looked in the mirror that was on the wall beside you and saw his father staring back at him. He was scared of himself. He was scared of what he would do to you. He said a quick and small 'sorry' before speed walking to the bathroom and locking himself inside. He wanted to distance himself from you to cool down so he didn't do any more damage, but trust me, when he came back out he said the most real and sincere apology you will ever hear.
"Y/n, I am so sorry. I should never have cornered you or even started an argument in the first place. It is my fault that things escalated that far, and I shouldn't have let it go that far. Believe me when I say wouldn't even think or dare to lay a finger on you. I love you so much, and I hope you forgive me whenever you're ready.."

Bruce- Y'all never get into an argument that's that bad. But if you did, he wouldn't raise a hand in your direction, he'd walk away to cool down and come back to talk when he's done.

Griffin- This boy would NEVER, and I mean NEVER even think about hitting you. He's such a sweetheart, y'all barely argue about anything (including little stuff)

Billy- Sad and worried. This was y'alls worst argument ever, nothing this bad had ever happened like this before. He slammed his hand on a table/wall and you flinched while backing up. He looked at you with a worried and sad expression, "Y/n, A-are you.. scared of me..?" He became more sad when tears started to well up in your eyes from being scared, he slowly and calmly walked over to you while gently placing his hands in your shoulders. He kissed your head while you cried into his shoulder, he even teared up a bit at the thought that he was the cause of you being sad.
"Y/n, my love.. are you okay? I know I got very loud and scary and I am sorry about that, but right now I'm more concerned if you're okay. I would never even think of hitting you, I am very sorry for making you scared. I hope you'll forgive me, but I really just want to make sure you're okay."

Donna- She would never do that to you🤨🤨

Gwen- Neither would she🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

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