~Dating Billy~

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1-800-V3CNUSSY Here's something for Billy until I write an imagine/oneshot 👍

Dating Billy Includes:


-Going with him on his newspaper runs

-Petting/Cuddling Rover (his dog)

-Him almost always eating strawberries or eating/drinking something strawberry flavored

-You ruffling his hair just to mess with him

-Spending the night almost every weekend

-Rover going following you guys everywhere

-Diner dates

-Sharing a milkshake

-When y'all sleep together y'all are either spooning or he's laying with his head on your chest

-He remembers every anniversary

-For your birthday, he gave you a handmade portrait of you that he painted

-You got a frame for and now it hangs on your wall

-He let's you play with his hair while getting ready for bed, it calms him down from the long day of delivering newspapers

-Rover sleeps between both of you

-Billy is actually a natural brunette but it's light enough to bleach blonde so sometimes you help him touch up his roots

-He pays everytime y'all go out somewhere

-You always tease him for being a mama's boy, but you secretly love it (he isn't one of the bad mama's boy, he just loves his mom a lot)

-Always walking you home

-You always kiss his nose to wake him up

-He always kisses your forehead before bed as a way to say 'goodnight'

-Small pecks on lips before going to class

-Y'all share 3 classes (+ lunch) together

-He gets you stickers of your favorite animal, band, movie, ect. for you

-He loves seeing you smile, so he's joking with you to make you laugh and smile

-You sometimes hum his favorite song to help him get to sleep

-You'll play soft calming music or play soothing sounds while trying to go to bed

-You hate that he pays for everything, so for his birthday you bought him a new bike (which was like $100)

-He loved the new bike but hated how you spent so much money on him (he still loves it regardless)

-He sleeps with stuffed animals still

-When he's upset, he won't talk to you a lot and will mainly cuddle with Rover or his stuffed animals

-One day when you were staying the night at his house, you two had an argument. He had been out super late delivering newspapers and you were upset because you thought he was with someone else (which he wasn't)

-You guys got heated and both went to bed angry. That morning you woke up with Billy's spot in bed empty and cold, he had left to do his paper run super early that morning. After him being gone all day, he didn't come home for dinner.. Which was really weird since he loves his mama's cooking

-You and his mom got a bit worried, you were a bit upset because what if he was with someone else? The next day he still wasn't back so his mom called the police to report him missing, they said he probably "ran away" and that it's "common for kids his age" like wtf?? They said if he still wasn't back the next day then he would be officially missing

-You went home because you had school the next day, and when you were at school.. He still didn't show. You were really worried but then you were called to the principals office, some detectives interviewed you about what happened and you told them about the argument

-They thought that's what was wrong until their walkies went off that someone found Billy's bike on the side of the road with his dog (Rover) laying next to it. You grew very worried and asked frantically if you could go with them to look, they said sure because they didn't want a hormonal teen on their asses

-You went with them and confirmed it was his bike. Poor Rover ran over you immediately and tackled you to the ground, he looked.. sad and scared.. You tried comforting him and stood next to Billy's mom trying not to cry. Billy was gone and the last thing you said to him was calling him a liar and a backstabbing bitch.

-The next few weeks were filled with many search parties and lots of sleepless night from crying

-After Vance Hopper went missing, the focus was shifted to him and people forgot about Billy. All except you and his mom. You guys kept searching for months!!

-Then Bruce Yamada went missing.. Then Robin Arellano.. then Finney Blake.. and lastly you. You were kidnapped by the Grabber.

-You spent weeks? Months??? Maybe longer in that basement until one day you heard the phone ring and Billy's voice on the other side

-"Hey sunshine! Been missing you down here, how have you been?"

-You started balling and saying "I'm sorry" or "I love and miss you so much" to Billy. He said it was okay and he understood where you were coming from and that he's sorry and loves you too

-But that's when the Grabber snuck up behind you.. And stabbed you in the lower back, luckily missing your major organs. You dropped the phone and whipped around, throwing all your might into punching him in the face. He dropped the knife and you rushed to grab it, only to be a second late..

-The Grabber ended up grabbing it before you and stabbed you repeatedly in the stomach before ending your misery but slitting your throat

-When you opened your eyes again, you were a ghost and stood there looking at your dead body on the ground. You teared up before hearing and seeing Billy behind you. You ran over to him and burst into tears and hugging him tightly, he hugged you and wiped a few of your tears away.

-You were doomed to stay on this world as a spirit until the Grabbed finally got what he deserved

-But hey.. At least you got to wait with Billy, right?

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