~Favorite thing about you~

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Finney- Your "I don't give a fuck" attitude towards his dad. He adores you for standing up to his dad.

Robin- Your thighs, he loves laying on them. He also loves how squishy and comfortable they are.

Vance- Your caring nature and patience, also your voice. He loves how patient you are with him and how caring you are whenever he let's his anger out.

Bruce- Your persistence, you always tried playing baseball with him to teach you. And every time you messed up, you got right back up and tried again.

Griffin- Your protective-ness. He loves when you defend him, even when it's over something as small as a side eye. He loves it since it means you care about him, unlike anyone else

Billy- Your stubbornness. When Rover got lost, you didn't stop looking for him for 5 hours straight, even when Billy to you to take a break. You found him that same day since you didn't stop looking, Billy will forever love you and be grateful for that.

Donna- Your creativity. She loves watching you draw, paint, or do anything artsy since she thinks it's interesting. She adores it when you draw or paint her. She always hangs the pictures on her walls.

Gwen- Your blonde moments. She loves these, like when you forget how to spell something simple like "tree". Or when you forget the word for book and start saying "The rectangular thing with words and paper in it!" She always laughs at it.


Mason- Your hair. He loves when you lay your head on his lap or when you're cuddling and he plays with your hair.

Miguel- Your personality. He loves how kind and caring you are but how you can also be serious at the same time. Your personality always seems to amaze him.

Brady- Your smile. When you smile, especially at him, it makes his heart melt. Your smile makes his day better, no matter how bad it was.

Tristan- Your laugh. Your laugh is contagious, he loves hearing you laugh. He can't stand when you talk bad about your laugh.

Banks- Your eyes. He loves how they sparkle in the sun. And he absolutely adores looking into your eyes so he can see how beautiful they are.

Jacob- Your nose. He loves when you laugh and your nose scrunches up. He also loves kissing your nose and seeing you because of it.

Rebecca- You. She can't choose a favorite thing, she just loves you.

Madeleine- Your face. She loves how beautiful/handsome your face is, every single day. No matter how bad you think you look, she thinks the opposite.

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