~Their Comfort Song~

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Their comfort song except it's also my comfort song(s) and the reason they like it relates to me🤭

Finney- Dark Red by Steve Lacy; It's comforting since he gets thoughts that you'll leave him and the song makes him feel less alone and reminds him that he's not alone and other people think the same thing.

Robin- Boy In The Bubble by Alec Benjamin; It reminds him of the first ever fight he had with someone. He used to be the token 'good kid' in elementary but after his fight ever real fight, he's changed into the Robin he is now. The song keeps him grounded and let's him remember the "good times" from before.

Vance- It Took Me By Surprise by Maria Mena; It reminds him of the first time you blew up at him, the first time you really yelled and got upset. He just kept pushing your buttons until you snapped at him, just like in the song. The song reminds him that he needs to communicate better and let's him remember that you also have feelings and it's not just him who can snap.

Bruce- Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent; It reminds him of himself. He gets overwhelmed sometimes and the song reminds him that it's okay and it happens to everyone and he's not alone. With baseball, school, pressure from his parents to have good grades, and any other extra curriculars, he can tend get overwhelmed easily. Music is basically his therapy (#relatable😚✌)

Griffin- Bubble Gum by Clairo; He used to get anxious about making a move on you in the very beginning of y'alls relationship. The song reminds him of that time and he laughs at the facts he used to be so skittish around as amazing as you. He really loves the song because of how much he relates to it.

Billy- Alien Blues by Vundabar; His self esteem/self image issues. He hated how no matter how much he brushes his teeth, they stay yellow-ish, he hates how his hair has 'too much' volume, he hates how short he is compared to other guys. He hates basically everything about himself, and the song (and you) make him feel okay for feeling that way.

Donna- Prom Queen by Beach Bunny; She doesn't see herself as "perfect" like everyone else does. To everyone else, she's has a perfect body, perfect hair, perfect smile, perfect grades, perfect everything. But no one sees how when she changes clothes, she takes a few minutes just staring at her body in the mirror and picking out the flaws. How she practices smiling in the mirror, or how wakes up early enough that she spends 2 hours on her hair before school. Which is why she relates to the song wayyy too much.

Gwen- Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood; The name literally explains itself.

(If it's requested enough times/many people say yes, I'll make playlists of what I think their comfort songs are)

TBP Imagines and Preferences📞🖤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon