Ch. 25: Come Back With Me

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"We shared parents, home, pets, celebrations, catastrophes, secrets

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"We shared parents, home, pets, celebrations, catastrophes, secrets. And the threads of our experience became so interwoven that we are linked. I can never be utterly lonely, knowing you share the planet."

The fest that followed the Union was so grand, Alaesys worried about the Royal funds. She had never seen so much food in her life. Lamb, pig, boar, cow, any meat that you could think of, it was served on a silver platter. Aemond and Alaesys sat in their lone table at the front of the hall. Their families sat in opposite tables that faced each other. Alaesys had begged to combine the two tables but Alicent refused.

Aemond took his seat by his wife and leaned in to her ear. "We need to talk."

"If you haven't noticed, this is our wedding. We are the main guest as well, we cannot just leave." Alaesys took a sip of her wine and the same scrunched, disgusted expression was on her face. Aemond sighed and took her glass from her, sitting it on the table.

"I will not have my new wife angry at me over a lie." Aemond took a swig of her wine since he had quickly finished off his own. Alaesys let her eyes drift around the room and she did not really recognize anybody she personally knew. Her eyes landed on Jacerys who had not taken his eyes off of her all night. She smiled at her brother and lifted her glass to him. He did the same but his worry did not waver. The music began and lovely ladies in big gowns and their male counterparts flooded to the floor.

Alaesys took her cup back and downed her wine, locking eyes with Aemond as she finished her glass in one go. Alicent watched the couple from her seat and shook her head in dismay. The two had seemed so in love, so head over heels for one another. Now Alaesys seemed like she couldn't look at the man without her eyes glowing red.

A young, dark haired girl walked up the stairs towards the newlyweds. She was a year or two older than Ally, she had her hair tired back in braids and was wearing a gorgeous blue dress with rhinestones all around the chest area.

"Your grace, would you care to dance?" At first, Alaesys thought she was talking to Aemond and chuckled to herself from behind her glass. That was until she realized the woman was asking her. "A lady should have just as much fun as her husband on the day of their wedding. My name is Sera, your Grace. Daughter of Ser Tyland. Your grandsire and mine fought side by side."

"I wasn't aware that Ser Tyland had any daughters." Aemond questioned as he swirled wine around his glass, looking the girl up and down. Alaesys smiled and stood from her seat. Aemond seemed surprised that she was going to dance with the stranger. Alaesys brushed down her dress and turned to Aemond. It looked like she wanted to say something but instead just walked around the table and joined hands with the girl. They fled to the middle of the dance floor and hooked arms. The two spun around the dance floor, clapping to the beat and all around seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Jacerys gave a single look at Aemond and took to the floor as well. Aemond felt his face grow hot with anger, he took that as a challenge. He too disappeared into the crowd but was caught by a young girl who wished to dance with him. Rhaenerya watched this exchange from her seat and perked up.

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