Ch. 29: Whispers in the Night

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"Whatever satisfies the soul is truth

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"Whatever satisfies the soul is truth."

When Alaesys awoke she did not expect to be greeted with the glow of the moon. She expected to be awoken with bright sunlight and chirping birds. Instead it was the low moonlight of night and the crackling fire. Her hips and abdomen ached and she let out a low groan.

"Easy Ally. I have you." Aemond moved from his seat by the fireplace and helped his wife sit up in the bed. Her face turned blood red as she remembered the night before. She pushed the blankets from the bed and grimaced at the small puddle of blood on the sheets. "I tried to summon the septa to confirm you have lost your maiden hood but everyone is conveniently asleep."

"Except for us it seems." Alaesys teased. Aemond laughed and look to the side. Ally gently guided his face but to look at her and her fingers teased the eyepatch he had slipped back on. She carefully removed it again and Aemond looked to the side. He was shameful. "You do not have to hide from me."

Alaesys traced the scar around his eyes again, being careful to move her hand away if it cause him pain. Aemond cupped the back of Alaesys neck at the base of her hair. He pushed forward ever so gently so he could trace the scar across her throat. Over time it had faded into a light white line. "Does it hurt?"

"Not anymore. My hand is what seems to be giving me trouble." Alaesys look down at her palm and tried to flex her fingers. It was always the wee hours of the mornings that gave her the most issues. "I will probably lose all mobility in it by the time I am my mothers age." Even hearing herself say that made Alaesys heart sink. Aemond opened up her palm and traced every line of her hand.

"I will do everything in my power to heal you. I will strike down the Gods themselves if they take you from me." Aemond kissed her palm and Alaesys smiled softly at him. "Do you have a hard time sleeping as well?"

"Every now and then." Alaesys moved her hand from Aemond's face and down to his chest. Her fingers ghosted along his collarbone.

"Perhaps we are connected more than we believe." Aemond brushed his fingers through Alaesys hair, exposing her soft purple eyes to the flickering fire. Aemond leaned forward only an inch or two from Alaesys mouth. "May I?" Alaesys rolled her eyes and connected their lips. It was much softer then hours before. It was not needy or rushed, but soft and loving.

Aemond slid his tongue across Alaesys lower lip and she parted her mouth just enough for his tongue to slip inside. She tasted of leftover wine and him. His hand scrambled for the blanket covering her chest and pulled it away from her body.

"I must taste you again. Please." Aemond slid his hands around Alaesys chest, one hand resting on her heaving ribcage. Alaesys drug her nails over his shoulders as she lay back, dragging Aemond on top of her. Ally pushed down his loose pants her hands grasping at anything she could grab. The couple was so enthralled with each other that they did not hear the door creak open.

Aegon leaned against the doorway, his night shirt nearly torn from his body. Aemond leaned down to kiss over Alaesys throat and she caught a glimpse of the drunken Aegon at her door. She shrieked and tried to cover her exposed bosom with her arms. Aemond cursed and tossed the blankets over his wife, clumsily trying to pull his pants up over his hips.

"Do not let me interrupt you." Aegon slurred, finishing off his wine before sitting it beside the fireplace. Aemond's lip was drawn back in anger and he fisted the collar of Aegon's shirt.

"You smell of wine and whores. Brother." Aemond scowled down at his older brother who simply laughed up at him.

"As do you." Aegon sneered, shoving his finger into Aemond's chest. Aemond pushed his brother against the doors and Aegon's raised his hands in defeat. "Easy dear brother. I come in peace. That makes two of us it seems." Aegon looked around Aemond to see Alaesys who was scrambling to throw Aemond's shirt over her body. Aemond grabbed Aegon's face and turned him back so his eyes were locked with his brother.

"Why don't you go and keep your own wife company?" Aemond fingers dug into Aegon's jaw until his brother was forced to speak.

"I have information that might interest our lovely Ally." Alaesys pulled herself out of the bed and limped towards the men. Her eyes were narrowed and she kept more than an arms distance from Aegon.

"Speak." Alaesys kept close to Aemond and he was forced to drop his brother, backing up enough for Aegon to rub his sore jaw and stretch his mouth. Aegon wiped his mouth and took a deep ragged breath.

"I have come to clear my name of these accusations." Aegon began. Alaesys cocked her eyebrow and examined the state of Aegon. He simply did not look like he was in any condition to speak politics. "I was visiting some of my favorite girls when I heard some very interesting rumors."

"Whorehouses are rampant with rumors, Aegon." Alaesys seemed irritated with his late night ramblings. Aegon picked his cup back up and examined how it was still very much empty.

"Ah yes, but these rumors were very specific to YOU Princess." Aegon stumbled about and held on to a nearby chair for balance. Alaesys looked up at Aemond and then back to his older brother. "Larys was seen scurrying about with a stable boy that might seem very familiar to you, Alaesys."

Alaesys shook her head, holding it as all these thought came rushing at her. Aemond stood taller and looked Aegon up and down. "Larys? That man has only ever been faithful to our mother."

Aegon laughed and fell back into the chair, grabbing the bottle of wine from the table. Aemond knocked the fresh bottle into the fire and it exploded on contact. Alaesys startled and Aegon stumbled back out of his chair to escape the angry flame. Aemond grabbed Aemond by his shirt and all but drug him across the floor.

"Wait. Wait Aemond!" Alaesys pleaded. Aemond dropped Aegon to the ground and stepped away, rubbing his mouth so he could collect his anger. Alaesys kneeled down before Aegon and touched his leg. Aegon's eyes shit down to her hand and then back to her face. Alaesys had been one of the only people to show him true kindness in his youth. She did not poke and prod at him like his mother and grandsire did. Alaesys genuinely did care for him at one point and time.

"Daemon was told that Aemond was the one who plotted my death. Who would tell him such a thing?" Aegon wanted to bite back and say something outlandish. He could not bring himself to do it when he saw Alaesys saddened eyes.

"There's a woman. She lives in the shadows and has children do her bidding. I see them running around the brothel sometimes. Perhaps she was the one to spin such tales." Alaesys bit her lip in concentration, the pressure behind her eyes throbbing. Aemond grabbed Aegon's collar again and drug him across the floor. He opened the door of his bedroom and all but tossed Aegon out onto the ground. His brother did not try to crawl back in and Aemond slammed the door in his face.

Aemond helped Alaesys to her feet and rubbed her upper arms. "Do not worry about such things. My beautiful wife should be resting." Aemond cupped her warm cheek but could still see the worry in her eyes. Aemond reached below her and grasped her thighs, hoisting her against his body. Alaesys squealed in surprise and clung to him like she had all those years ago when they first mounted Vhagar.


"I love when you scream my name."

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