Chapter 53: For What May Come

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"The time might not always be right but the consequences will be

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"The time might not always be right but the consequences will be."

The hot summer wind was blistering this time of year. The old maidens constantly told of how harsh the winters were and how the young princess should be grateful that she was not suffering so. But being so bed-ridden and secluded in her chambers, Alaesys felt as if she were going mad. Aemond rarely left her side and even resorted to trying to get her to write down her thoughts into a book.

Oh her husband, the scholar.

She might have actually taken his advice if not for the screaming babes almost every five seconds. Rhaenyra had suggested that the children be removed for at least the first couple of weeks so Alaesys could heal properly. Alaesys dismissed that idea very quickly. She wanted, no, needed to be around her babies as much as possible. Her heart ached at the thought of being away from them for too long.

Now she laid in bed, fanning herself while her oldest, Daemond, nursed from her. The wet nurses bickered back and forth, saying her body and mind would not heal if she were nursing not one but three babes. For this, she took the help they gave her. After all she only had two teats to use.

A light knock came from her door and she used a thin sheet to give herself some privacy. "Come." The door creaked open and Baela was the one who popped her head in. Her younger sister had been such a blessing. She snuck her treats she was instructed not to have and brought her thick books that kept her mind active. This time Baela returned with both in hand.

"My sweet bug, I could kiss you."

"Aemond might flay me alive." Baela joked while she sat on the edge of Alaesys bed. Alaesys dropped her sheet to expose Daemond's sweet face and Baela instantly melted. "I do not think I have ever seen babes as beautiful as yours." In the past three weeks, the babies had blossomed. Even little Aemma had gained at least a few ounces and was as lively as her brothers.

Alaesys smiled when Daemond kicked her feet under his blanket. He gave a sweet smile with the smallest amount of milk spilling from the side of his mouth which Baela quickly wiped away. "The King has announced a tourney in the babes honor."

Alaesys blinked a couple of times to make sure she heard correctly. "A tourney? Isn't that something you do on namedays? The triplets are only a few weeks old." Alaesys was confused but knew her grandfather probably meant the best. Nothing of the sort was held for Aegon's children. Alaesys felt guilt bubble in her belly. Baela rubbed Daemond's cheek and shrugged.

"I do not find it enjoyable to argue with an old King." Alaesys opened the book Baela gifted her and skimmed through the worn pages. She smiled.

"Jaehaerys the Wise? I think I have heard enough about Old Kings for the day." Alaesys teased her sister with a grin. "Thank you." From the small bassinets in the corner came a cry from Aemma. Her small, pink hands were outstretched, looking for her other. Baela eagerly sprang into action to scoop up the youngest sibling. She cooed down at her rosy cheeks and rosebud lips. Alaesys couldn't help but laugh at what a natural Baela seemed to be.

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