Chapter 35: Dreams of Another Life

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"All men of action are dreamers

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"All men of action are dreamers."

Alaesys had finally freed herself from Aemond who had been watching her like a hawk while she slept. Every small shift or pained groan she gave, he was right there with water and a bucket if she so needed it. It was late night when she was finally able to stir awake. Aemond had fallen asleep in a check next to her, head rested on his hand while he slept peacefully.

She pulled back the covers quietly. As soon as he feet hit the hard ground, Aemond jolted up. He leaned forward with elbows on his knees and smirked at her. "Is someone trying to escape? Hm?"

"My grandfather requested I visit him." Alaesys stood on two shaky legs, waving off Aemond when he tried to help her maintain balance. "I can do it myself."

"I have seen newborn foals walk steadier." Aemond leaned back in his chair. He watched his wife grab her footing as she headed towards the door. He stood up and followed Ally, much to her disapproval. "You could not chain in hopes of keeping me from you. I will follow you like a shadow." Aemond kissed her head and laughed when she gave a disgruntled huff.

Aemond walked her to Viserys quarters. She had refused his service before but now she clung to his arm. He watched her closely for any signs of discomfort but she was either feeling better or was amazing at hiding her pain.

Her hair was not in the neat plaits it had been in this morning. Ally had a flush on her skin that gleamed in the moonlight. She was not perfect nor put together, but Aemond realized he had never been more in love. Alaesys looked up at him with a goofy grin. She had not worn her collar as much since their marriage. She wore her scar proud and free. She ignored the whispers in the halls as she passed.

Aemond opened the door to his fathers chamber. The two were surprised to see him still up and mobile, sitting in front of his model layout. Aemond softly kissed his wife, pressing a hand to her belly. "I'll be waiting for you both." Aemond shut the door behind him and Alaesys walked towards her grandfather who patted the empty seat next to him.

"I am surprised to see you awake. I'm sorry it took so long." Alaesys sat down and studied the figures across from her. Viserys was not a man who rode dragons often, he preferred to play with his model buildings and bask in all their glory. Alaesys remembered her mother telling her he had the sculptures well before she was boring. He had been building onto them for years, and it showed.

"Do not worry, sleep is hard to come by these days." Viserys coughed into his hand and leaned back to examine his models. "Instead of the crown, perhaps you would like to inherit these magnificent buildings."

"You know, I think it would be much easier to rule over King's Landing if it were this tiny." Alaesys leaned forward and adjusted one of the towers. Viserys chuckled and adjusted himself in his seat. When Alaesys looked back to him it was obvious he was lost in thought.

"This discussion never gets easier. I remember telling your mother so many years ago." Viserys drummed his fingers over the arm rest of his chair. "You remember your lessons of Aegon the Conqueror, and his dreams correct?"

"Yes, grandsire. They were my favorite tales." Alaesys shifted in her seat, leaning closer to Viserys.

"Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. It is to begin with a terrible winter, gusting out of the distant North." Viserys eyes wandered to the fire place across the room as he continued. "Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living ... if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne."

Alaesys almost brushed Viserys off as just an old man rambling. However there was something different in his voice. It was as if he had rehearsed this a million times in his head. "A Song of Ice and Fire."

"Aegon conquered Westeros out of sense of duty. He saw himself as an honorable man who must do what he saw fit." Alaesys continued for her grandfather. Viserys smiles and leans his head against the back of his chair.

"I believe you and your mother are the path to seeing Aegon's dreams come true. A Targaryen is meant to sit on the throne so our kingdom is not destroyed. This story is passed down to the eldest Targaryen child. I am passing this onto you because your mother is not here to tell you herself." Viserys grabbed Alaesys hand in his shaking fingers and sat straight.

"I swear to you, Grandsire. I will uphold this information to the highest degree. My firstborn will know of this tale and how we must defend our home." Alaesys smiled and squeezed her grandfathers hand. Viserys slowly started to stand and Alaesys was right there to support him. "Let us get you to bed."

Alaesys tucked Viserys under his sheets, fluffing the pillows up behind his head. "Would you like some wine?" Alaesys knew her grandsire liked his wine like he enjoyed his models. Viserys groaned and held his heavy head.

"I am no longer a young man. I cannot keep my wine down like I used to." Alaesys laughed off her grandfather and kneeled down by his side.

"Thank you, for everything. Mother and I owe you so much." Alaesys mind saddened at the thought of her mother. How lonely she must be. Alaesys even felt sorry for herself. Her mother was not here to experience such a joyous moment.

She wanted to tell Jace and Luke of their knew niece of nephew. She also longed for her father, Laenor. She knew he would be overjoyed and would spoil her children rotten. He would take them on dragon back and sail the seas with them at the helm.

Viserys reached out and gently touched Alaesys cheek. Ally leaned into his touch and smiled at him. It was obvious that his eyes were heavy with sleep. Ally knew he would not be walking the earth much longer. She wished he could live for thousands of years. So that her family would not crumble any further.

"Goodnight Aemma. I love you, Darling." Alaesys did not try to correct him. She allowed his hand to go limp and lay on the bed, his breaths evening out until it was obvious he was deep in sleep. Alaesys did not move, but instead watched Viserys slumber.

"Goodnight grandfather." Alaesys leaned over and kissed his forehead. She excused herself from the room, fighting back the tightness in her chest. When she closed the chamber doors behind her, she could not hold it back anymore. She held her chest and sobbed into her hand.

All of the pain she had been withholding, she was finally able to free it into the hallway. Alaesys could only muffle her cries so much. She did not hear the footsteps approaching her as until a hand was outstretched to her. It was Aegon, who wore a face of worry for her.

"Come Princess, let me bring you back to your husband."

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