Chapter Three

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Chapter Three - Dragonstone

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Chapter Three - Dragonstone

"Nyra I don't like This" Alaea screamed as Syrax got closer to dragonstone and Alaea wrapped her arms tighter around Rhaenyra's waist making Rhaenyra smiles softly.

"Don't worry my Lae" Rhaenyra whispers "We are about to land"

"My father's going to kill me"

"If he touches you syrax shall burn him alive"

"Syrax wouldn't do that"

"Syrax loves you and so do I" Rhaenyra adds as Syrax lands and let's out a loud screech as Alaea sees the disappointed look on her fathers face. Daemon on the other hand looked up at his Necie and the ginger head girl and smirked. He was rather dons of the youngest hightower. She was not like her father or Alicent.

She was shy and had a temper at the same time. Rhaenyra climbed down of syrax and helped Alaea as they waked through the guards. Well Rhaenyra dragged Alaea through.

Otto turned to Rhaenyra and Alaea "Wht are you doing here princess and you my child"

"I am preventing bloodshed and I refused to leave her behind while all the guards where here" Rhaenyra states.

"Ser Criston please asccort the princess and my daughter to safety"

"Take care not to startle Syrax, my Lords she's rather protective of Me and if anyone touches the lady Alaea Syrax has commands" Rhaenyra declares as she takes hold of Alaeas hand and they both walk towards Daemon and stop a few feet apart.

Alaea listened as they spoke Valyrain not knowing what they where saying. But she felt Daemons stare on her.

"I'm right here uncle" Rhaenyra mumbles as she tightens her grip on Alaeas hand "The object of your ire. You will have to kill me, so do it and be done with all thsi bother"

Alaea only heard a few words as she watched Daemon walk away and throw the egg as Rhaenyra catches it.

"Lady Alaea it was nice to see you again" Daemon yelled as Rhaenyra and Alaea now sat on syrax then flew of.

"Princesse the king wishes to see you and have Lady Alaea return to her Chambers" A guard tells Rhaenyra as they walk out the dragon pit.

"And why is that" Rhaenyra snaps "Lady Alaea has done no harm"

"Am sorry princess but he wishes it"

"I shall be fine Nyra am just going to my chambers"

Rhaenyra smiles Softly at the girl "I might not be"

"If the king trys anything or you turn up dead I'll have Syrax burn every last man alive" Alaea swears.

Rhaenyra kisses Alaea check as they bith blush slightly "Thank you for today Lae"

"And thank you my princess"

Alicent and Alaea helt eachother hand as they stood behind there father who was seated at the table. Alaea was told to not be left alone at any point. So why was she worrying so much today when the king began to speak.

"I have decided to take a new wife" Viserys delcares.

Alaea let out a sigh of relief knowing she had not did anything wrong since Dragonstone. Alicent on the other hand squeezed her sisters hand tight. Half of her fathers plan had worked already and the last thing that needed to be done was Have Alaea as Queen.

Viserys looks at Rhaenyra for acceptance as she nods her head "I intend to marry"

Alaea listened hoping he would marry Laena she had told him she was a good match and surely alot more people did aswell. There was a long pause as Viserys looked at Alicent then Alaea and Rhaenyra noticed this.

"The lady Alaea HighTower by springs end and there is one more thing Alicent hightower is to have my child. It is not ideal it was a mistake but it happened. "

Rhaenyra was about to break down as she heard this. How could he how could she. Alaea lied to her didn't she but as she looked at Alaea her face was in pure shock aswell.

Alaea was young she was the prefect fit for a Queen and to have  children. But as everyone looked at the two hightower girls Alaea spoke up.

"Me, That's, that's great" Alaea mumbled as she pulled her hand out of Alicents "I-I must go"

Alaea rushed out of the room as Rhaenyra soon followed and found Alaea stood in the hall way "Lae"

"What is happening" Alaea snapped "What made him. Nyra I, you must know I never "

"Alaea listen to me I know" Rhaenyra states as she helt her tears back "I never thought my father would choose you"

"I swear to you I never wanted this. I never planned on being Queen betraying you" Alaea rambled.

"You have did no such thing but Alicent has"

"Oh my god, my sister and The king, why does he not marry her"

"I wanted you to rule by my side. I wanted you" Rhaenyra let slip out.

Alawa looked at Rhaenyra as she says this "I have to retire to my chambers I am so sorry Princess Rhaenyra"

Alaea then walks away leaving an upset Rhaenyra alone.

As Rhaenyra watched her walk away she made a oath of her own she would get Alaea no matter what. She was hers and Her father can have Alicent. Alaea was taken

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