Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty - gone

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Chapter Twenty - gone

Alienor watched as her mother paced up and down her chambers "Mother please, Dragonstone is were our Queen is. She will protect you"

"Am the Queen right now, aneys would never do that Alienor" Alaea snapped as she stopped her pacing "Am the Queen what I say goes, till Rhaenyra is here"

"Rhaenys has been sealed in her chambers,no one is to send My sister a raven mother" Alienor Says as Alaea stops pacing "Mother"

"Go to dragonstone my sweet girl, flee while you can" Alaea suggests "I shall do all I can"

"Mother no, I won't go without you or my son"

"Take Rhaegar with you Alienor, Just get to Rhaenyra and tell her " Alaea says as she walks to her daughter and embraces her "I swear to you nothing will happen"

"I love you mother"

"And I you my sweet girl, now go and do not return till I send a raven" Alaea whispered as she lets go of her daughter and watches her walk out her chambers. 

After a few minutes Alaea changes out her nightgown into a black dress as she walked out the chamber doors and made her way along the dark lighted halls as she reached princess Rhaenys room and was greeted by a guard.

"Your grace"

"I must speak with Princess Rhaenys" Alaea states "You are dismissed"

"I have given orders to stay here till your son is crowned"

"Yes well I am the Queen so do as said and leave" Alaea hissed as he bowed his head and walked of.

Alaea then walks into Rhaenys chambers and finds her stood at the window "Princess Rhaenys"

Rhaenys turns around as she sees Alaea "Your grace, I have already told your sister my answer"

"I have not had any part of it, Rhaenys I want no harm to come to you"

"Your grace, a war will follow Your son is to be king but Rhaenyra is rightfully the Queen"

"Do you not think I know that, my daughter has fled"

"Why are you not with her" Rhaenys asks.

"My place is here, If anything goes wrong I have a ship"

"Alaea,your young but not stupid" Rhaenys snaps "If you were to stay here they would lock you up"

"Am still a Queen ,they had no right to do any of this"

"I may want to leave, but I cannot go to Rhaenyra and tell her you are dead"

"Rhaenys get on a ship and leave"

"I wont leave without meleys Alaea"

"You must, by now they know my daughters and her son are gone and I had a play in it. I dont want bloodshed you must go"

"Ive lost my son and daughter, i wont lose my dragon" Rhaenys states as she walks out

𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐫//𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now