2. Game of Shopping

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"Pink, pink, pink!" exclaimed Percy, watching Millie turn around in front of the mirror. Since the party was tomorrow, the girls decided to skip one of the lectures and find something extraordinary to wear.

"I already bought like ten pink or violet clothes," laughed Millie, but the way she was looking at the lace blouse revealing the navel, it was clear she'll take that one too. "Well, it really does match my hair." She nodded her head, making the decision.

She called this year her pink year, because in January she chose to dye half of her blonde hair pink. The last year was blue, and the year before ginger. Although in every color she looked amazing, Percy thought that this one's her best.

"Maybe I should give some colorful highlights to my hair too." Percy came to Millie's side, thinking about a little bit of change to her ordinary style.

"You would look nice with shorter hair, just like mine," whispered Millie excitedly, because she always wanted to see her best friend in some other hairstyle than loose long waves or high ponytails.

"Nobody could rock it the way you do," laughed Percy and stepped from the mirror.

They used to be one of the most popular and beautiful girls in high school. Both blonde, both skinny and both nice enough to other people. Percy still considered herself pretty, but sometimes it was just hard to look in the mirror and see all the scars that were souvenirs from the accident.

"Well, I think we should get ourselves a tattoo of friendship," said Millie, just as if she knew what Percy was thinking about. The tattoos could cover some scars.

"For starters, we must hurry a bit, cause I have practice tonight." She looked at the watch, but there were still a few hours left before her climbing training.

That was maybe the biggest difference between the two of them. While Millie was a typical dormitory gamer girl, Percy loved to exercise. Climbing, swimming, running, whatever involved some movement.

"Right, let's take the blouse and go to the next shop on the list." Millie quickly went to change into her own clothes.

Percy looked around with a bit of nervousness. It became a habit. Checking if there's somebody else around. Somebody only she was able to see. Or recognize, since there were also entities that liked to show themselves to the people. They, however, weren't human at all. Percy could see their aura and recognize right away if it was a demon, a reaper, or any other hellish creature. Luckily, there was nobody else around now.

"Done. Sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and change the whole outfit. It's so easy in the games. Snap, and you have like a whole weapon inventory on your back."

"It may seem that your favorite type of games is shooting and action, but I can be wrong."

"Oh, shut up! You know they are!" laughed Millie and led Percy to the cashes. The saleswoman took the blouse and put the price of it on the receipt. "Wait, are these-" Millie, who saw someone in the distance, stepped away from the counter and left the clothing shop in hurry.

Percy looked at the saleswoman with perplexity.

"Yeah, I guess I'll pay for it."

Percy quickly got the blouse for Millie and followed her out the shop. She was standing next to her boyfriend Trevor and their other friend, Veronica.

"Hey, guys, what are you doing here?" asked Percy, a bit confused.

They wanted Veronica to come with them shopping, but she said she was working. And Trevor surely wasn't the shopping kind of guy unless it was about buying games. In the era of everything being on the internet, he was still the one to collect material versions of games.

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